1st edition

Day 455, 10:13 Published in USA USA by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Hello everybody, this is my first edition. I will be writing a weekend edition and a weekly edition every week. More than that, I cannot promise, although whenever I have the time, I will write. Today I bring you a overview of the candidates for the march elections. I asked candidate scrabman for an interview yesterday, and sent him 8 questions on what he would do as president. He has yet to reply.

scrabman: A member of the bigest political party out there, the USWP, this candidate is a 3 time congressman. Known for his sound economic advice, this candidate is supported by the USWP and the United Independents Party, formerly known as the UCP. He is a liberal, and lieutenant in the army. Here is his first campaign speech: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/scrabman-for-president-march-2009-733536/1/20.

Desertfalcon: Party President of the Conservative Party, this candiate is also a 3 term congressman. This candidate looks like he will push for higher import taxes and lower income taxes. For full details, copy and paste this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/relation-between-import-tax-and-strength-of-local-currency-730924/1/20. He is a colonel, super soldier, and battle hero. He has yet to garner any support from a political party.

Alby: This candidate is Party President of the Federalist Party. This candidate also wants to raise import taxes, for full details copy and paste this : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/protest-america-s-trade-policy-atlantis--732979/1/20 This candidate is also a Super Soldier and Colonel. He has the support of the Federalist Party and the Progressive America Federation.

Conclusion: It will be a hard fought battle, but I beleive scrabman will win. It should be noted that all the candidates have their own newspaper, and so have past candidates, it looks like having one is esential to wining. Stay tuned for my next article, where I will hopefuly publish an interview with scrabman!

Riddle of the day
A dog is tied to a 20 foot rope. There is a piece of meat 30 feet away. He eats the ,meat. The rope does not break. How is this possible?

I have none, but once I get 100 subscribers, I will start charging money if you want an add in the newspaper.

I would like to dedicate my first edition to Donovator, Joe DaSmoe, Julius Rodvigo, and Cstarlight21 [ *salute*] for offering me advice and gifts. 2 dollars to the person who solves the riddle first [ The riddle is easy and I am poor]. Vote, Subscribe, and comment!