170: Malta_1990 for Prime Minister of eUK

Day 822, 13:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990
I've thought about this long and hard and after consulting my fellow party members and several of my friends in eUK, I am announcing my intentions to run for Prime Minister of the eUK. I've contacted Iain Keers about the issue, and I'm calling on the Party Presidents of eUK to seriously consider backing me as a candidate I'm not offering any quick fixes and I'm not claiming to be a Messiah, but what I can bring to this nation above all else is a good term at the helm from an experienced politician.......and in this article I shall announce the main roles of my Cabinet.

Prime Minister: Malta_1990
I'll be heading the government. I will keep up the fine example set by Dishmcds of publishing an article every few days both in-game and in the Ten Downing Street section of the eUK forums. I've held this role before and as many people can tell you, my forum presence is first class. I've held several ministerial and departmental roles as well as eleven congress terms to my name.

Minister of Defence: Jock Jockson
He may be new, but he knows his proverbial shit. His war module knowledge is top notch. He can find MPP's in the most unlikely places and his military strategy is awesome. He is so good that he can take the initiative while eUK is being blocked by five nations. He's Erep's very own General Montgomery.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: GGRyan
His countless articles about our neighbours are awesome and his tireless hard work improving our relations with Ireland and France surely make him a prime choice for MoFA. His utter lack of any bias is also a key advantage to having GG on my team.

Minister of Economics: Busynurse1510
Do I need to elaborate? He's got the best economic knowledge in the nation. His amazing tax regime ideas and economic know how gained from running his food company which dominates the manufacturing industry makes him one of our most experienced financier and I trust his judgement on all economic matters.

Minister of Finance: Silent Hero
His experience at one of our most successful banks, HFLC Bank, has made him a household name as the guy who can earn 80G in one minute! He is surely the guy we need to replenish our BoE Funds and I'm sure that Craig Rossiter or Lord Justice could give him a character reference.

Minister of Work and Home Affairs: Goku & Maddog Jones
There is only one man for the job. Of course, its the eUK expert of all things important - Goku Jones. He did it in Japan, so I'm sure that this means he can do it in eUK too. He's highly committed to eUK and has got so much committment that I am sure he would never quit in a rage over losing an election. OH WAI-

Maddog Jones would be the co-Minister more focused in the Labour aspect of this new combined Ministry. I trust Maddog from the bottom of my heart and I'm sure he'll take care of our companies without letting EDEN get within an inch of the Gold in these companies. I would obviously need the help of one of my RFA cronies to give him citizenship if I give them enough undue pressure. OH WAI-

That's it for today. I will publish my manifesto after consulting with Shadowukcs, my CP campaign manager.

With Lots of Love,