Day 981, 09:45 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut
Although all the conditions have been met, if I reach 2000 subscribers before Day 985 concludes, I will award DOUBLE what I originally promised. That means THIRTY FOUR different people will recieve money! So shout this article out! Tell your friends to vote/subscribe!

In my eternal quest to achieve a media mogul medal... I am offering a giveaway of 100 gold. The prizes will be as follows:
(1) 50 Gold First Prize.
(2) 10 Gold Second Price.
(4) 5 Gold Third Prize
(10) 1 Gold Fourth Prize

This means that SEVENTEEN different people will receive gold. All you have to do to enter this random drawing is the following:
Vote this article up and subscribe to my newspaper, then leave a comment here stating your vote # and subscriber #. Upon reaching 500 subscribers all 4th place prizes will be awarded. Upon reaching 1000 subscribers, the higher prizes will then be awarded. Shout it out to your friends to increase the chances of reaching the higher level awards! All it takes is a few seconds to win. So do it!