[WYD] Kazuo Whine, VQA 2011 aka Play Me Your Fiddle (Day 1205)

Day 1,205, 12:16 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Disclaimer, this is not a MOO article, this is an Addy article.

In case you missed it, here is Kazuo Leblanc’s attempt to earn the MOO nomination for CP:

“So I apologize for how last minute I'm working right now - I'm moving IRL so the Internet I'm working with is my iPhone. Thanks for understanding.

To sum up my policy proposals:

-Implement all MOO economic proposals
-Pull out of all military alliances
-Aggressively acquire other resource regions via military means
-Enact the Leblanc Constitution
-Maintain contact via the new Speech From My Keyboard

This will get written up more eloquently ASAP.”

You can come to the MOO forum and check out how he expanded on this. He ultimately lost in a poll to Jacobi and he was quite upset. I can see why, he was the only homegrown candidate and expected his party to support him unconditionally. Unfortunately for Kaz, he left a poor first impression and couldn’t dig himself out from under the hole. To his credit, he was moving and had limited net access.

Now I have come to learn that Kaz has taken his crop of sour grapes over to DAL and has pressed them into a bitter vintage, Kazuo Whine.

Check out the label on the bottle:

“As a role player, one thing I've noticed is that we haven't had any good inter-party rivalries in some time. Just think about how much more entertaining the game could get with some high-stakes competition.

That's why I'd like to ask our congressmen to join me in Operation Cow Tipping - a plan to reduce the influence of the Ministry of Opportunity. Simply put, one of our legislative agenda items would be to vote against and organize defeats of all bills written by MOO legislators, simply for the fact that it's MOO legislation.

The first and highest-profile example of this will be to defeat the MOO Treasury Bonds bill that is currently in Congress. I've been working with other parties over the past couple of days to organize a legislative defeat of this bill, with the assumption that a non-MOO congressman will immediately reintroduce the bill upon it's failure, because it's not necessarily a bad bill, just written by rivals.

Is this petty on my part? Yes. Should it matter? F*** no - what else are we going to do with our time? Besides, Addy Lawrence is a two-face and deserves to go down and you know it.”

Seriously? This is EXACTLY what is wrong with eCanada. When we do not have a national cause to rally around, we turn on each other. When things don’t go our way, we turn on each other. Break the cycle people, grow up and move on.

Kaz, you ran a last minute campaign and lost, I know its tough to lose a CP election, I’ve lost one myself, at the end of the day it’s a game, move on.

For those who will drink Kazuo Whine and start behaving in a drunken stupor anyways, an anti-MOO movement doesn’t bother me. I've already been fighting with MDP above the table the whole time and dealing with DAL's under the table tactics at the same time. My entire existence at the CPF was characterized by attacks from all other parties, even the ones we supported to get into the Top 5.

Do eCanada a favour Kaz, grow a pair yourself and pour the case of 2011 Kazuo Whine down the drain.

Who's your daddy?