[WYD] Give Role-Play the Finger and Vote Rolo for CP, The Sequel (Day 1293)

Day 1,293, 05:51 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Yesterday I ran an article endorsing Rolo. This is my personal opinion, n that of MOO.

Today, I voted for him.

Today, in congress, role play upped it a notch. Congressman PimpDollaz, of all people, has put forward a motion to impeach Rolo AND HE'S NOT EVEN ELECTED!!!! PimpDollaze condemned role-play when it kept him out of congress and eCan, now the shoe is on the other foot and how quickly the story changes.

Rolo has paid his pound of flesh for what role-play said he was guilty of, even though his presidency was cut short by an ILLEGAL IMPEACHMENT!!! His campaign for presidency is valid. The naysayers should have done something about this before the ballots were finalized, not on the day of the election. Alas, this is the type of leadership we elect in eCanada. People who react as opposed to anticipate. People who sit and wait as opposed to plan and act. People who avoid rather than lead.

Again, I implore you, give role-play the finger and elect one of eCanada's most brilliant military strategist and cunning economic minds into office.

Vote with the assurance that over $1,000,000 CAD and 1,000g are safely sacked away in Treasury, where a majority of congress is required to move funds out. It can't be stolen by anyone, including Rolo.

Until next time.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your D'Addy!!!