[WYD] Acacia teh Jacobi, Vote for Addy on April 5 (Day 1231)

Day 1,231, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

The TL😉R campaign:

-No transfers to orgs accessed by multiple people
-MPPs and nothing more
-Rely upon each other
-Reduce the VAT to 10%
-Establish accountability and review in an office of bureaucrats (today's article)
-Improve our production bonuses

I have been asked today whether or not I will Acacia teh Button. I would love to Acacia teh Button, but first, I need your help to Acacia teh Jacobi. Given that Acacia is in Jacobi’s cabinet, it would be ironic to Acacia teh Jacobi tomorrow, but I digress.

On the surface, Jacobi seems like the logical choice for CP. He has seven terms in office to his credit, and outside of a government theft last term, his record of keeping government assets safe is solid. He also is a strong communicator which serves the role well.

Unfortunately, Jacobi’s platform this month includes developing an infrastructure of companies that would see each member of the CAF paid market wages, as determined by high command and the CP, to produce food, weapons, tickets and raw to support the national military effort. IMO, this plank in his platform, which I call CAF Industries, is the second coming of the Ministry of Industries.

This initiative will line the pockets of selected members of the oligarchy. It will also be a “party member farm” for a small number of political parties, perhaps only one. DAL was built on the MoI “party member farm”, and the good thing about Rolo liquidating it was that it terminated the corruption that went along with it. Please, do not provide Jacobi with the mandate to do this again.

I know that a vote for me is a vote for small government and a seemingly cold approach toward social programs, I accept that. The more peeps you have in government, the easier it is for a thief to gain a place at the table and bide their time for a chance to walk off with the golden goose. The best social programs, like Habitat for Humanity and the DAL Food Program, come together out of a genuine interest in noobs and other players, not when it’s a budget line on a campaign. Party leaders and GM’s of large empires are the people who should be leading the social programs, not government.

I know that people are skeptical of my windfall payment approach to military funding, “leftover scraps” is not very endearing if you are soldier and I get it, but at least it’s incredibly transparent and eliminates the need to “see the books” for anyone who receives funding. Also, the math works. Cutting VAT from 20% to 10% and maintaining five MPPs or less will actually result in an INCREASE in military funding for each of the CAF, TCO and HOPE.

I could go on, but it would only be posturing and getting me further into TL😉R hell, besides, I’ve already highlighted the important stuff, the stuff that sets Jacobi and I apart.

Tomorrow, put eCanada’s future into the hands of its favourite daddy, Addy. I will lower the VAT to 10%, create stability and continuity in government ministries, I will establish the windfall system which I think the militaries will enjoy once they experience, and I will finish my term off with an incredible surprise. Just get me into office to find out what it is 🙂

Good luck Jacobi.

Good luck IronToader.

Good luck Funkyhum24n.

Good luck michelantoni.

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!

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