[WGC] The Canadian life, views of Banach

Day 698, 11:41 Published in Canada Romania by BogdanFV

This interview is the first in I hope a long series of interviews whit or about the strong players of Canada. First one goes to Banach as many would like for him to share his experience and knowledge with the regular Canadian citizen.

Note: In the article R refers to me, the reporter and B refers to Banach.

Happy reading!

R: Good day Mr. Banach and thank you!

B: Good day!

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R: So let's start, my first question would be somewhere in the lines of: Where did Banach start?

B: Well the actually name I use is my last name. I started using it online in the last years as chances are no one has taken it due to its uniqueness. I also get a sadistics enjoyment from seeing people struggle pronouncing it.

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R: Interesting, and where did "Banach" found the idea of eRepublik? Who brought you to this game?

B: I found about the game from a friend on a Call of Duty Tournament Website. He posted some invites, I accepted because it sounded interesting. This was back in late January of 2008 when PvP was still around!

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R: So you started up in Beta, that makes you one of the oldest players around in Canada. Can you share with us from that knowledge?

B: Indeed, I've experienced much in my eLifetime but to be honest, its hard to do it all justice by simply mentioning it. If you ever want to hear about a story, you can catch me on IRC or just ask me through a PM . However, I'd like to think that I've contributed to the fabric of Canada in every way possible, and that I left my mark on the people I've worked with, and continue to work with.The great thing about eRepublik is that you forge your own journey based on the laughter you share, history you make and people you meet, that is why I encourage everyone to get involved and try to set up their own legacy!

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I for one noticed you as a military men first and then as a writer and a politician. What do you think is your main vocation in this game? How do you think you can help eCanada the most?

B: I started this game, and was always know for my journalism. My skill in public relations and communication lead me to politics, when recruited a couple months after joining into a ministry position of Foreign Affairs.The military portion comes from the activity I possess and from simply having a great amount of knowledge about eRepublik tactics and long term strategy. All in all, I think I am mixture of a journalist, politician, soldier, but not a businessman! I tried business, it went very well, but I don't get any fun out of it.

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R: Few people know this but you are one of the former Prime Ministers of Canada. Is that correct? Can you share with us about that experience. How does it feel to be the man that controls the buttons? Did you learn something new during your time as Prime Minister?

B: Yep, that's right. Last October I was voted in as Prime Minister. The experience was fantastic for me, even though I only served half a term. I really enjoyed the amount of responsibility I had, as I could put my extreme amounts of activity to good use. As far as what I learned, well, that's a secret 😉 Let me just tell you, the first day as Prime Minister is hell, at best.

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If you would have to choose what would be the most memorable men you worked with? Anyone in particular you want to mention?

Well, I've met a lot of great individuals both at home and abroad. When I think of Canada, I can't help but think of Adam Sutler. He was truly a remarkable individual, even though he did break the game rules, arguably to make Canada stronger. Oddly enough, the people I remember the most are those I fought with or against such as Emerick, Dishmcds, Zhuge Liang, Big Brother, etc.
And of course, all the beta bastards that I grew up with!

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R: Wonderful. As people know you are one of the great figures in eCanada today. Did you ever got a "interesting" messages from someone and if yes what did it sound like?

B: I get a funny comment or message every so often. They tend to be Iranians or Chinese citizens asking me for my pictures and chat info when I have Mandy Moore as my avatar 🙂 I also enjoy getting invited into tiny mercenary groups that randomly spring up all over the world which you KNOW won't work out haha.

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Well time for my last question. How do you see Canada in a few months? Politically, Economical, Social.

B: My vision tends to focus on the bigger picture and a larger scale. I think that politically, things will go unchaged. Same with economics and social values really .Canada is a VERY stable nation. Once the war is over, we will go back to the way things have always been 😉

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R: Well I think that is all Sir Banach. Anything else you would like to add? A message to our readers maybe?

B: Thank you for your time!

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End of interview. Stay tuned next interview will be with one of the most influential Canadian in life!

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