~We’re doing great! But not really~

Day 490, 15:25 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

I write to you, America, from a much unbiased standpoint. Though I am a part of the Oval Office, I currently have very little do with America, besides making us rich and supplying us with Q5 weapons/food/housing. I write today to scold those who think they know more than they do about the game. That’s a shout out to a lot of arrogant congressmen.

I won’t touch on the recent presidential impeachment aside from saying that it was your (congress’s) decision to do so, and I know that after a long discussion, you must have reached some sort of consensus. However, if you’re going to propose a law as extreme as impeachment or war, make sure that you do it unanimously. 10 congressmen did not want Sam impeached? That’s a lot, if you ask me. Those 10 congressmen resemble 1/5 of our nation, or 2000 citizens (around 500 active). Keep in mind who you represent, congress.

Our potentially, but not-so-rich nation

If nobody has noticed yet, our country has the highest GDP in the game. We produce around 15,000 USD a day from taxes. Thank you to the taxpayers of America. But, may I ask rhetorically, where is all of this money going? I’ll tell you – nowhere. I have been an active part of this economy for the last five months, and an active observer all my life. I’ve seen the exchange rate when it was 0.080g per USD, and I’ve seen it at 0.014g. Currently, as Secretary of Treasury, I can say that we have potential to become one of the richest countries in the e-world, and that is ONLY because of our high taxes. Many in the past have said that taxes increase the wealth of a nation somewhat, but not that much. I shake my head at those individuals. 20% income tax might be a little high (or maybe not, if we compare to Turkey and the U.K.), but it sure as shit gets the job done. By change does anybody know how much Gold 15k/day is? A little more than 300. 300g+ a day is insane. If we keep this up, even for just a month, we’ll have over 5000g easily, a figure that our country has actually never seen. As the Secretary of Treasury, this is something that I aim to do – that is, if I retain control of Fort Knox. Our country’s treasury was stolen not too long ago, yet we are pretending as if it was not.

Switching Fort Knox… *facepalm*

If we cannot trust the man that we voted for with access to our country’s treasury, then who can we trust? Nobody votes for the Speaker of the House. Nobody even votes for the vice-president, really, who is the same person. Hell, nobody votes for me as Secretary of Treasury, and in all honesty, if people were against myself controlling the funds of our nation, I would be perfectly fine with that. But what I am against is the very much pointless change in possession of Fort Knox, moreover our external treasury. In my honest opinion, this is just change for the sake of change; what’s sad is that I will probably get five PMs later today from CONGRESSMEN trying to convince me otherwise.

Foreign currency

Do we really need 1010 ATS? How much is that, like, 10g? Congress, please limit the foreign currency proposals to a need-only basis, and what we need now is USD, not CHF or ATS. Also, please stop being stingy with the proposals. If we have 50k USD in the treasury, don’t donate 35k. I promise that we won’t get 3000 citizens overnight.


This is a really hot topic, so I’ll try to be as vague as possible. It is not just the president’s decision on whether or not we leave Atlantis. However, our past two presidents have seen to it that we remain in the alliance because they were, in general, pro-Atlantis presidents. Sam and Justin (not a shot at either of you) never really gave congress nor your MoFAs a chance to speak forth regarding our country’s stance. Inwegen, Kyle, don’t be afraid to voice yourselves. You two are arguably the second most powerful citizens in the largest country in the world. Vocalize and let us hear what you have to say about the pros and cons of leaving the alliance, which has been proposed MANY times.

Our military mentality

For awhile now our country has been seen as imperialistic. And, let’s face it, we sort of have. While war fuels the economy, the wrong kind of fighting can further a country from others. The four war presidents – Nave, Justinious, Uncle Sam and I – are to blame for this. In retrospect, French Toast was probably a mistake, or at least with regard to foreign affairs. Going along with war games, proposing peace to Mexico, becoming an isolationist country, and developing strong relations with Portugal are four things that I personally feel we should do that would benefit our country immensely.

Our beloved marines

…are not getting what they deserve to get. What happens if Atlantis organizes a resistance war against Indonesia again? If the U.S. wants to send 50 marines to assist, the cost, with Q3 weapons, is over 450g. Are we going to go to such lengths to develop our marines’ ranks? Right now we should not. Possibly in a month, when our nation actually creates some gold to work with, this is possible, but right now it is not. Has anybody noticed the constant war in Pakistan and Indonesia/Iran? (Benndonesia/Bennran?) Apparently not, because if they had then our marines would be over there living in a United States funded Q1 weapons company getting a constant 5 free fights a day, and even the occasional battle hero (See: The last two indo/iran battles). Hell, I’ll create the weapons company if somebody wants me to. This could even help to strengthen our relations with Indonesia who, by the way, are pretty cool guys (Italy too. Why the cross-alliance hatred?).

In summary, congressional to-do list…

- Chill with the foreign currency
- Donate Fort Knox more USD more often
- Look into sending the marines to a foreign country to get constant fighting
- Discuss in-depth the possibility of leaving Atlantis, and the effects of staying/leaving (not to be confused with joining PEACE)
- Talk about whether or not you really want congress to control Fort Knox.
- Try to make big decisions unanimous