[WC] The primordial soup was better when it was warm

Day 1,240, 07:04 Published in Canada USA by Lincoln 6 Echo

(ok look, this is my first serious article i've published in a while, i understand if you think it's horrible and stuff, i really just wanted to give this a try)

eRepublik is, in many ways, a success. This simple browser game has survived three years and has seen 5 world wars, 20 global alliances and three game play changes. All while maintain a dedicated fan base. This game has evolved out of simple beta stages and testing into the game we see today. This is a fantastic game and probably the most realistic MMO
Strategy game in the interwebs at this very moment.

And yet, I don’t like this game.

I don’t exactly know what it is that spurs on this irrational dislike of this game. Though the most common complaints that we have seen about this game is that people no longer see eRepublik as a “game”, more of a simple way for the people playing the role of the admins to earn a lot of money. Another complaint is that the changes made by these admins occur at complete arbitrary dates without prior warning or explanation. One complaint that I’ve seen a lot of recently is that the game mechanics are fundamentally flawed and that you can only really become a master at this
game if you spend lots of real money on it.

Now, before you admins see this and slam down the “Ban” button on your enormous super-villain esque control panel let me explain why I’m mentioning this. You have an addicting game with a dedicated, albeit rather whiney at times, fan base that show sheer dedication and support for the activities that they do whether it be obtaining that new Battle Hero medal, churning in tons of gold from their business empire or appeasing the subscribers with pictures of cats and half naked women to go along with the wall of text on their front page. The community is what drives this game and thus is why complaints have to be made, otherwise this game cannot evolve.

I'm sure this picture has some significance, maybe eRep is the larger cell?

And now to explain the title. To those that don’t know a “primordial soup” is a small, liquid filled habitat that contains unique conditions that enable life to evolve. They have to be at the right temperature, pH, minerals etc... The point is if one of those conditions is not present then the life inside the primordial soup cannot survive and evolve to develop into better creatures. As the admins have outlawed public debates then they cannot listen to the complaints and therefore cannot evolve the game to contend with the current conditions in the soup.

To those of you that are lost in this scientific metaphor I will provide you with a brief tl;dr for you. “This game cannot evolve unless the conditions, being the fan base, are at the right consistency”.
The admins do indeed continue to make changes and I’ll admit many changes have been made due to player criticism. However, in recent times the admins cannot seem to cope with minor criticism which is the major driving force behind the game’s evolution. You cannot change a game at random as this will only make things worse. In order for a game to evolve past that of the “primordial soup” and onto” land” then you have to take into account what strange and bizarre conditions and creatures already dwell on land and you have to be prepared, otherwise extinction occurs and the game is lost into the far reaches of the internet universe.

If the community is what drives this game, and you don’t listen to the community, then you lose the one thing that keeps this game alive. You can ban this article, give me FP, heck even perma ban this account! But you cannot keep up the impression that this game is always perfect. If it was, then the criticisms wouldn’t exist, yet they do.

In conclusion, for this game to evolve you have to take note from the criticisms and improve from them. And to the admins reading this article reading the ban button I leave you with a quote from British physicists John Polkinghorne, it reads: “Evolution, of course, is not something that simply applies to life here on earth; it applies to the whole universe”.
