[WC] Realizing truth

Day 1,188, 23:46 Published in Canada Canada by WolfGang III

Everyday I log in, and everyday I see new "problems" or feuds. A constant anger between individuals and their respective groups. I see people being called immature, wrong, or any number of things. One could assume that has to do with age. This just doesn't seem right with me. Someone's actions are not relevant to their age but more to their surroundings and education. realizing this makes the question of age much less specific to someone and their actions. I'm going to use myself as an example because truly I am the only one I can use.

I would like to think that "yes" I am well educated and am open to other views and ideas. I know this isn't right and maybe that's why I think my age doesn't affect my actions. I realize my flaws though, and try to make them better, learning for the greater good or even working harder to get my or others' problems "fixed" Realizing is the first step to making yourself stronger in the world around you. Realizing and working to be better is something someone at any age can do. By realizing this very point you should realize that age doesn't matter in someone's actions.

A shovel is a tool to make yourself more productive. The mind is a beautiful thing that adapts and reacts to anything and everything. Actions are something that the mind controls and something that affects everything you do. The mind is not affected by age. (at a certain point) The willingness to learn is what truly defines our actions. Age aside, the true meaning of intelligence is one of understanding and interpreting. The integrity of this is seen everyday through the media, stereotypes, and everything we do.

let's get to the point. Age is something that yes, is a big part in who "you are" but your actions are controlled by the experiences (education, life, everything)that you take part in. learning and realizing what your actions are going to be and how the actions you do affect your personal well being. Then interpreting the many events and actions in your life and working hard and learning from them truly affect your future actions regardless of age.

I leave you with a quote once more. Take from it what you will.

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently"
~Henry Ford

-WolfGang III