[WAR] Sweden liberates Denmark

Day 1,116, 04:20 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad

Today, I have declared war against our neighbors and friends in Denmark. But it is not them we are fighting in this conflict. In fact, we are actually on their side!

Throughout the years, our Danish brothers and sisters have had to fend off several PTO attempts. However, they have now been betrayed by the very people who had promised to help them against the former Serbian PTO: an eCroatian group of opportunists.

Say what?

During the weeks leading up to the latest president election 5/12 in eDenmark, the notorious badass HrBjorn had been decided through a democratic vote on their forum to succeed their previous president, Hurkancs, who ironically came to DK from eCroatia last summer.

eDenmark would once again be ruled by a danish president. Things were looking good across the Öresund. Then, suddenly, multis started appearing everywhere in the streets. Mindless zombie drones who had no will or brain of their own. Their purpose? To interfere in the politics and President election.

eSweden and eCroatia are allies - where does this leave us?

I have spoken to the Croatian President and he has explained their point of view, while I have explained ours. We do not judge. We do not care whatever the reasons for this PTO are. We are only here to liberate eDenmark from foreign occupation, regardless of which country these opressors originates from.

This will not have any affect on the relations between Croatia and Sweden, since this does not concern our Croatian allies. Some of their countrymen decided to start up business elsewhere and a conflict within that group lead up to an election in which the true citizens of Denmark suffered a loss of power.

Not only are the real Danes our friends, it is also the fact that their country borders to ours. This is Scandinavian turf. We will not tolerate any PTO attempts in any countries that we are closely allied with.

Tonight, tanks and soldiers from The Swedish Armed Forces will roll across the bridge across Øresund and secure a perimiter around København.

HrBjorn and his awesome danes will stand right next to the homoswedes and together we will form a Homonavian alliance.

Med HrBjorns hjælp, folkets kærlighed og Homonavias styrke!

Yours Sincerely,

President of eSweden
Consumer of eDanish beer
... and proud homoswede.