[VOTE] The new world map after New Year's[UPDATED]

Day 747, 06:19 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by Ayero

Woof people!

New presidents have been elected , many of you don't even know their evil plan of TO the WORLD!

Here is Romania:

Croatia is once again a empire...

After both CP of Moldova and Romania agree to unite , Adiemus starts berserking and pushes red buttons all across the web-page.It manages to conquer Bulgaria , Hungary , Austria , Germany , Switzerland , Netherlands and Belgium , Italy sold themselves out for for 1000 Bolgnese Spaghetti meals.

PS. Almost forgot ... they got Heilongjiang 😃

Spain rocks it har😛

Looks like Spain got some...

Oh , and BTW , now South America is called Sur Espana...

Jay , J , JJJJJJewitt is Jew-ing ITT and retaliates against the countries that betrayed America:

For example , now the immigrations problems are solved !

And the redcoats got Jew'😛

The Irish got what they deserve and by now Belfast is getting full of Irish Pubs ...

Russia got Jew'd .... and so did Japan for Pearl Harbor:

*img down* 🙂

Countries that have parts torn away like India or China , are now complete again , and Korea united so its now called just Korea with Emerick as Shogun 😃 .

Africa is now a Country-Continent after discovering that BobMarley still dead , had a dream uniting Africa , and together , they managed to unite all governments into a whole single rhasta country , Africa.

We are the children of the Rhastaman

Australia is now living it up , as Indonesia surendered themselves because the aussies have raw materials...


Greece took it's chance and conquered Turkey and Iran , they said that it wasn't a holy war , I think it was , how else do you explain college parties and substance use increase in those countries?

All of it cocludes the new world map:


Click to zoom!

Hope you enjoyed it , if I ofended someone , that was not my intention therefore I am sorry.

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oh , almost forgot :
