[VOTE FOR TOP 5]Interview with the President of Poland aVie [En]

Day 1,235, 10:55 Published in North Macedonia Turkey by Doctor HM

1.When did you start to play this game?

January 2009, I was looking for multiplayer browser game, where I can fully enjoy gameplay without interrupting my real life. I remember my first and only one experience with online gaming before eRepublik. Ogame, the most horrible game I ever tried. I lost my self for few days for it.

I never played or even tested any other game like that again. It’s a reason why I’m still here. I can play or not. I spend few minutes or few hours, its suits me.

2.What is connecting you with this game, do you think of stopping playing it?

Community, we have a great one in Poland.

Living abroad has some disadvantages, for me its that I have limited contact with my country, with my language, with people who gets what it’s mean to be a Pole. Sometimes I miss that and I think it’s what makes that game enjoyable for me.

I like eRepublik, I’m not going to stop playing any time soon. When I’m bored or when something starts annoying I just move to ‘two clicks’ mode for a while.

3. Which are best allies of Poland, and which are their best enemies?

Spoland forever.

We have a very good situation when compare to other major powers in game. We don’t have any real enemy (those we had were week). We don’t have any holy war. It gives us more options it’s easier do something new.

4.What are your plans as a President of Poland?

New York, New York.

5. What do you think of Macedonia and what do you think about it?

I like you from the beginning. I admired your community and your unity (I remember that time when you had one big party, one CP candidate). Now you are one of the most active countries in game, quite close from being another superpower (based from what I see from my statistics).

6. Is the sky limit for ONE?

I’m waiting for Plato and for his amazing new Cosmodrome as we are all know that there is no limit on earth for ONE.

7. Do you have friend from Macedonia, and which are they?

I know many Macedonian, mostly army leaders, few well-known politics. I keep friendly relations with them. I hope I will be able to call them friends some day.

8.Tell me something about your Real Life (how old are you, where do you live, what are yours hobbies)?

30+ In RL. I live in the UK for most of the time. I like stories, all kinds of movies, TV shows, books. Good well-written story about people is what I enjoy. I love SF, especially space operas (BSG and SGU).

I’m a techgig, an apple-fanboy and of course I’m addicted to web. In my spare time I work (as web developer).



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