延续我们在国会的传统,应对V2带来的危与机 (with English version)

Day 949, 06:01 Published in China China by Yoman Kung
English version provided after the Chinese version

向来,国会内有为数不少的议员保持着甚高的出勤率,当中高登的议员不乏其中。诚然,无 论风吹雨打,大多数的高登议员都坚守岗位,担当国会的立法和监察工作,一步不多,一步 不少,恰如其分。

当然,依旧有不少政见不同的人士会对高登提出尖锐的批评。面对这一切,我们一众当选的 高登议员应该虚心面对,并以我们坚信的价值来捍卫他们的言论,令EC日益发展为多元包 容的国度,成就真正有意义的伟大。

距离Erepublik Rising (ER) 正式启动的日子不远,国会在新一届会期内将要就ER 衍生的问题作出恰当的应对。国内现正有一群玩家正落力研究ER 下的危与机,身为本届的议员,应该认真聆听每一个玩家就ER 的意见和诉求。

同时间,ER 的战争机制将会带来新的难题和挑战。国内军事建设将会成为关键,不同的军事力量的协调 ,相信可成为解难之刃。在不违反公平公开公正的原则下,国会同僚们大可正面研究任何有 利军事建设的建言。

面对新形势带来的危与机,国会更加需要成为一个开放而恰当的议政场所。有前议员相信国 会不应只担当纠察者的身份,而是保持一份热情来推动国家的发展。这个理应是议员的职责 ,但绝对不是负责维持议政场所公平公正的议长的工作。昔日,西瓜议长为一众国会议员典 下议长的模范,相信任何后来者理应以人为镜以明得失,更不可能发表类似「议会是政府的 爸爸」的悖论。

在这个不一样的会期,Yoman Kung决定作一个大胆的尝试,参选新一届国会议长一职,并承诺出任议长期间,不发表 具立场性的政论,保持中立主持国会会议,不提垃圾议案,不随意修改国会制度,并提高国 会透明度。现在诚意邀请公众监察Yoman担任议长的表现,并欢迎各位透过PM来表达 意见。

Preparing for the Erepublik Rising with our congressional heritage

Over recent congressional sessions, numbers of congressmen, in which a quarter of them are from HKGOLDEN, have been doing their part in line with their duties. Under different circumstances, most of them respect their job as well as the mandate given by their constituencies without any radical acts solely for flamboyant purposes.

Doubtless to say, there are still people who hold their strong reservations on HKGOLDEN. As elected congressmen, we have no alternatives but to humbly listen to them and also defend their rights and freedom of speech based on our values and beliefs. This is the way we can make our country be strong and also great by accepting the virtues of diversity.

As the day of the official launch of Erepublik Rising (ER) is getting closer and closer, the new Congress needs to keep a proactive approach to any possible difficulties due to this change. A group of people is now diligently tackling the problems people may face under ER. We the congressmen should keep our mind open and study all the findings these respectful people have found so far.

Meanwhile, the new battle modules would also bring us new challenges. Military forces with different backgrounds would play a key role to solve these if they could work closely for the common good. Should there be no violation of the principles of fairness, openness and justice, we the congressmen should have no hesitation in studying, and even accepting any military proposals.

Facing the adversity and the opportunity under the ER, our congress should be a modest house for discussions and debates of public policies. A former congressman once said that our congress should be more than a monitor. It should be a policy powerhouse. That would have been true only if he had done it at the capacity of congressmen, not a speaker. The Speaker of the Congress should fairly play his part of holding congressional meetings with no personal agenda. We all can learn this from the respectful Purple Watermelon, our former Speaker. For speakers who serve the congress after him, they should take him as a good role model. All in all, paradoxes like “Congress is the Government’s Dad” should not be spoken by the Speaker.

In this regard, I, Yoman Kung, decide to run for the Speaker of the new congress. During the term of office, I pledge that I would have no political speech, be political neutral, propose no dunk bills, amend no Congressional Code without any necessity as well as keep the Congress more open to all. I sincerely invite you all to supervise my job and send me your comment via the inbox if I am elected as the Speaker.