[V2]Productivity, RM's, and You: BWOKEN

Day 962, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Some Links for reference:

Productivity Formula
Raw Materials

Today we'll look at the productivity formula and the correlation to Raw Materials. From what it seems, the RM requirements dropped to a level which makes RM's nearly useless (to an extent, obviously).

The productivity Formula measures as follows:

P = 1/2 * A * B * (C + D) * E

A = Employee Multiplier
B = Skill
C = Health Multiplier
D = Happiness Multiplier
E = Hours Worked

Employee Multiplier

Everything but houses, hospitals, and DS has a Recommended Number of 10 employees, the other three are based on a recommended level of 20. Ne Signifies the number of current employees, Nr signifies the recommended per industry.

If you have the exact number of recommended employees, the formula reads that you'll get a Multiplier of 2 (1 + (Ne/Nr) per employee). Anything less than 10 will be (Ne/Nr), and anything over the recommended will be A = 3 - (Ne/Nr) (or, in lamens terms you'll get penalised a certain amount for anything more than 10).

In this model, we'll be looking at an exact productivity match of 2 per industry.

Skill + Hours Worked

Both of these are fairly straight forward. We'll be using a Skill level of 7as an average and an 8 hour work day.

Happiness and Wellness Multiplier

Both the Happiness and Wellness formula is the same, being C or D = 1 + (2*Happiness or Health) / 100. In this model, we'll use 100 for both base values.

Thus far, we'd have a formula which looked like this:

P = 1/2 * 2 (A) * 7 (😎 * (1 + 2*100 / 100) (C) * (1 + 2*100/100) (D) * 8 (E)

The calculation comes out to 504 productivity based on 7 Skill and an 8 hour workday, at 100/100 Wellness/Happiness.

Now, we move on to apply this to completing the different products and modifiers involved, which is based on the following formula:

U = P / M

U = Units Produced
P = Productivity
M = Product Modifier (you can find the chart for this in the Productivity Formula page listed above).

You also have to take into account what it costs to produce one completed product for Food (we'll use Q5 as an example once again, as we did yesterday, which is 150 CP * 3 PP, meaning 450 units produces one completed unit of food). As a producer, you made (504/.3) of your component for Food, which equals 1680 "Ingredients". As a Harvester, you're productivity is the same in a High Region, divided by 2 in a Medium region, and divided by 100 in a low region. In this scenario, the Harvesters productivity would be either 504 in High, 252 in Medium, or 5 in low.

Now, how does this compute to the RM Markets?

According to the Wiki, you need Every product needs 1 unit of raw material per 1 customization point used. Using Customisation Points to base this formula is horrible. Let's use Hospitals as an example. They have 200 Customization Points total, which means they need 200 units to build a hospital.

200 units. If you produce 500 units of Stone at medium level skill per day, you can produce enough to make 2 hospitals, houses, or Defence Systems.


Likewise, it takes 150 Grain to produce 1 unit of Q5 Food.

How does that work, exactly?

Recommended solution: Use the Production Point system you used in V1, based on how many units to takes to produce your items. Otherwise, demand will suck immensely, and there will be no reason for High RM regions (as, under this formula, you can produce more than enough in Medium regions to satisfy demand.

Next issue, we'll examine the cost in salary (gold) for all of this mess, and how it's turning Teh New New World upside down.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy