[V2]Looking forward to V2, I Think

Day 819, 10:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
The release of V2 is highly anticipated by nearly 300,000 people. Here are just a few things I hope for, as we receive more information through Insider Articles.

1. I hope that we are advised of exactly how the changes will affect Erepublik well beforehand.

There have been many changes announced, including both the Military and Economy modules in terms of how they function and how they are supposed to function. They are making our modules more complex, including the highly critical PvP reintroduction we've all asked for, for over a year.

With this, however, are some changes that will, if not implemented correctly, greatly damage anyone's economy, and therefore its military. This applies more to countries with more than 10 people, for the most part. Countries with populations of 10,000+ citizens are already highly advanced and functional (at least for the most part), and have a large amount of players with defined skill sets to keep their production up. If the communication of how the new module works is not released beforehand to the Public, this will greatly reduce our ability to provide a functional economy and military.

In short, if the Admin team decide to go "Ta Da! Here you go!" and make everyone define their skill sets individually, it will create a massive shortage in one area, and a massive overspecialisation in another. This could cripple the economies of some nations which are already defined with or without Raw Materials.

If we do not know how they work, this is what all of our countries will look like

2. I hope the Admins have a nice set of changes or upgrades to Raw Materials that will compliment their changes to Finished Goods.

Almost every war in over a year of V1 has been fought over Raw Materials. Shortages of original regions in one country, combined with massive population booms, usually means they invade a neighbour for Raw Materials.

In the basis of this argument, the introduction of Raw Materials was a nice implementation, however, as Erepublik is supposed to simulate our real environments, it's lacking a few things. Countries such as the US with the Iron range in Minnesota (the US is currently the worlds six largest producer of Iron, if my reference material is not out of date), Australia (Second largest producer of Iron), Scotland and the Oil from the Sea, and so on are all inconsistencies from the original implementation.

If Erepublik hopes to continue to draw new blood and grow both as a company, game, and business, then it must continue to develop the Raw Material aspect. The suggestion I would give, since it's literally the most basic suggestion in the game itself, is that with more raw materials, the more war you have. The more war you have, the more gold you sell. The more gold you sell, the more money you make.

It only makes sense to me, from a business standpoint.

Please do not make this symbolic of V2

3. I hope the Admin team clearly communicates, well in advance, of when they expect to release V2.

This is also pretty basic. If you wake up one morning, with no warning, and your boss calls and says "Why aren't you working your new schedule?", the obvious answer is "It's hard to work a new schedule when no one told me I was supposed to".

In RL terms, if we expect to coordinate the implementation of all these changes, we'll need at least a month to do so, with the proper implementation. Countries which spent a fortune to conquer and keep regions, or defend their own, will have just wasted a bunch of time and money if you do not give them enough notice to prepare themselves. That means they probably spent a lot of money buying Gold, and for nothing. If you don't do those things, then you can expect a lot of older players to ask a very simple question:

This is what we hope Admin does before V2, not after

Why do we continue to play a game if you're going to constantly change how we succeed?

Prime Minister of the UK