[USA] [UK] [HUN] Eugene Harlot Inspires Zoli and GLaDOS?

Day 786, 03:58 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the World,

So what theme music is best for this article?
~ The Ultimate Showdown for Ultimate Destiny.

Recently there has been some small amount of personality-driven hype in the eUSA media.
~ Some of it regarding Emerick.
~ Some of it regarding Harlot.

Emerick is Great

Dear Josh Frost recently published an article,
~ Farewell Emerick....
~ An epic eulogy with many sincere comments.

So, yeah, Emerick shall be out of the picture indefinitely... for maybe for three to five years.
~ At the least, it can be said he is not a quitter, whatever the consequences.

So, did Pakistan ever lose faith in Dio Brando in his absence? No. Never.
~ It does not matter whether Emerick is alive or dead.
~ It does matter that the legend of Emerick grow and thrive.
~ It does matter that we raise up our own Dio.

So who is at the front of this effort?
~ Rhane, Emerick's eWife, Party President of the Emerick Search Party.
~ Richard Brophy, author of the most awesome campaign platform ever, (Upcoming) Party President of Emericks Fan Club.
~ St Krems, self-appointed Prophet of the Church of Emerick.

The way forward is simple. What would Emerick do?

Harlot can into space:

Dear Eugene Harlot recently made a small public statement,
~ I am not running for President

~ Which, in American political jargon, means he will run if the public demands it.

So what would be cool about having Harlot run for President?
~ What wouldn't? Harlot has two Media Mogul Medals without a Newspaper. Yikes.
~ But he has done so much with the military? Who cares about his media?

Funny you should ask. Recently, I made a comment in one of Jon Malcom's articles,
~ Eugene Harlot is Definitely Running For President!

~ Something awesome happened.

"It's a nice dream. He was involved in political parties before, once upon a time. Specifically, originally, in my state, Ohio. Perhaps he will actually take up politics again at some point. We could use a good military dictator for CP. That could be quite fun. 🙂"
~ Max McFarland 2

"If he runs, I'll be running too."
~ Zoli

"President Harlot vs President Zoli? Pure awesome.
The media which results from such a rivalry will be legendary."

~ Max McFarland 2

"If zoli runs, I will throw my hat in as well."

As you can clearly see, this could become quite the show.
~ Imagine a world with Eugene Harlot for eUSA President.
~ Imagine a world with Zoli for eHungary President.
~ Imagine a world with GLaDOS for eUnited Kingdom President (again).

~ Can you see the legendary media that will spawn from such an era?

Perhaps they meant they would all run for President..... in the eUSA?
~ Imagine the media thrown about during the ten days of the election campaigns.
~ Imagine the utter circus of the election itself.
~ Imagine the two-clickers who might push one of these guys to the lead.

~ This would also be quite the show. Less likely, but just think of it.

So what do you think about such a contest?

So just roll with it, jump on the bandwagon behind a cult of personality.
~ Take your pick, which one do you prefer?
~ Whichever one it is, write an article to draft them into the next elections.
~ If you write such an article for your pick, track back here, ditto for your peers.


*~"a tear shed for those lost"~*


~ In whom do you trust?