Day 815, 14:05 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2


Would you like a themed cartoon?
~ The Spirit of '43

Please consider the message below from the eUSA Secretary of Treasury.
~ Let's gear up to finish this dance in the eUK.
~ The time has come to finally wipe them out.
~ We need to move on to more important things.

Max McFarland 2
Vice-President, eUSA

Have some Gold saved up for a rainy day?
Wondering how to put it to work killing redcoats?
Here is your chance:

Make Money Killing Redcoats: Buy Treasury Bonds

In order to better fund our military and help our allies as we make the final push to London, the US Treasury announces the reintroduction of our War Bonds Program.

These bonds are being sold to citizens and investors with a fixed rated of interest with variable terms of 'maturity'. In order to target donors of all ways and means, we are releasing two types of bonds with different terms in order to maximize value for the public and help our boys in blue.

LIBERTY BONDS will pay 2.9% interest added once upon repayment of the bond and can be purchased in any amount of 0.5 Gold or more. These bonds will be available until the issuance is ended and will be repaid at a time of the government's choosing, likely between 2 - 4 months, there is no maximum to the number to be issued at this time.
Fill out this form to purchase a a Liberty Bond and help your country win this war:

US Treasury Bonds

All bond payments should be made in Gold via donation to the Securities Exchange Commission.

INDEPENDENCE BONDS will be sold in increments of 10 Gold and will pay 5.9% interest added once upon repayment of the bond, and will observe a maturity date of 3 months from issuance. These bonds may be purchased and transferred/sold to other citizens/organizations using this USX thread, but this issuance is limited so act fast.

For more details on the bond program and the details on the program and how these bonds will be repaid, click here.

Put your savings to work fighting our enemies and make some scratch in the process.