[upd]About Debts

Day 1,081, 10:10 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

I know that in the last days we had some controvercy about debts inside of the country. Like I told you before, don't worry, I like to pay my debts as a country President or myself.

Still have the buttons, so let's go for it!

The operation Yellow in Budapest!

The Battle of Central Hungary

The Battle of Southern Great Plain

The Battle of Southern Transdanubia

The Battle of Western Transdanubia

Dragi romani,

Asa cum va spuneam, nu'mi place sa las datorii neplatite, atat personal cat si Presedinte al eRomaniei.

Luptati pentru Budapesta! Sa le coloram capitala in galben!

Acum este momentul sa aratam valoarea Romaniei!

Hai Romania!



As you can see we have another operation in progress:

The Operation Desert Cat
