[UKRP/WRP/NE/PCP/UKPP] This is not a bloody CRSF attack

Day 2,387, 09:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Good afternoon gentlemen!

As promised I am happy to unveil the first half of my manifesto and finally open cabinet applications! Whether you want to be an apprentice or my deputy, I encourage everyone to have a punt at a position for next term. Even if you don’t get the ministerial position you wanted I will be guaranteeing training for every government worker so they have a better chance next month 🙂.

Before banging on about my grand plans for our grand country however, I thought I might resurrect the tradition of ego stroking/listing my experience that partially proves I have the cabinet experience necessary to carry them out (even if those in italics are now defunct):-

1 x Country President
1 x Deputy Prime Minister
2 x Minister of Finance
2 x Minister of Foreign Affairs
4 x Minister of Home Affairs
2 x Minister of Defence
8/9 x Speaker of the House/Minister of Legislative Affairs
1x UK Special Forces Commander
1x Minister of Trade
2x Minister of Work
3 x Cabinet Secretary

My structure of government

-Unify individual workforces into a central service
-Merge and simplify regular functions for better reliability
-A proper system of training and encouragement
-Tailor-made opportunities of work for any applicant

As a relatively simple bloke, I like to keep things on a similarly simple scale. When I were a wee little newb crying about the prices of food n such, I found our overall system of government to be a deeply a mystifying and confusing subject. To a large extent it still is, with quite a few variations in their makeup when you switch from national to national model. Therefore the Appleby philosophical approach to what our structure should be, as you probably deduced from the opening sentence of this paragraph, is to radically simplify it.

Now those who’ve already scryed my rough idea in the copy I sent to parties earlier will know my solution is to knock down as many perceived barriers as possible preventing citizens from being able/interested in serving their community in government. Ultimately you create your own version of ‘fun’ on this game, however I firmly believe that the best sort of gaming return you can make is by getting involved, personally making a difference and being able to say after a job well done ‘I helped do that’.

These days our community is too small to merit individual workforces for each ministry. In it’s place, I propose we collectively pool our available productivity according to the numbers we have and the urgency of the task; allowing a natural process of simplifying and amalgamating these functions with stronger reliability. To that end, those helping out in government under the rank of Minister will be unified into a central civil service with work delegated and tailored according to their personal preferences and ability. In addition to the regular training we will offer, we will also leave references at the end of the term recognising above-and-beyond contributions by particularly dedicated members.

As transparent as possible without breaking eRep codes of conduct on decency

-Strong focus on in game publications, questions and other articles
-Greater promotion and sponsorship of community events
-Encouragement of more journalism through the NNA

In addition to the rather ambitious policies above, our government requires an accompanying drive of more publications and consultations to allow an acceptable level of accountability and direct public input. The easiest method for this is through a combination of ingame articles and in game messages - where I will invite members of the public who are interested in discussion with my ministers and I over the term to join us in a pm. I'd also like to bring back a regular sort of Prime Ministers questions - maybe by using the comments on an article for all to see.

The community also needs to be aware of more opportunities to get to know each other and join in organised events. One project that I'm hoping to set up between the MoD and MoHA is restart a few national strikes, with a prize pool for attenders in a lottery :3. We may even consider holding a few prizes for most damage contributed at these strikes for MUs and individuals if the interest is large enough. Oh, and I'd also bring back the National Newspaper Association so people can keep up with the weekly national and international media!

Approach to the current handbag saga

-Attempt to reach a compromise without threatening national borders
-Arrange a set of guidelines to reel in congress from total anarchy
-Step back when a threshold of moderatism is reached >_>

It may shock members of any one faction to know that they are crushingly in the minority and, in order to pass any legislative agenda, are obliged to work constructively with other political groups. And it is this particular reality that I will be spending my term reminding the louder participants of ‘either side’ to shut up and metaphorically grab a shovel to clean up the **** from last term. Truly, if any party cares to live up to it’s pledge of focussing on the national interest then the government shouldn’t need to get remotely involved with them.

That said it’s almost guaranteed that the government will have to hold their hands on a large part of this and thus with no shortage of doubt will I try and make it an aim of mine to reach a common ground with all interested groups. This will probably be in the form of congressional guidelines on citizenship (to simply check/ask for advice before letting someone in, not difficult) and conduct (I’m sure that the majority of congress’s mothers are actually nice people undeserving of the death threats they get from opposing MPs).

I am predicting a rather tiring front in this regard but am reasonably confident that if we really do see the ‘positive approach’ bollocks everyone seems to be wanting to push then fair enough, we may be able to collectively drink our whisky without the traditional pub rampages our community has been renowned and disgraced with.

Cheers for reading this far! The other half should be out tomorrow.
