[UKRP] Today, Tomorrow, Together

Day 1,092, 11:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP HQ

The United Kingdom Reform Party has been going through the dumps lately and now that the Party Elections are over and I, Daniel Thorrold, have been elected the new Party President of the UK Reform Party I hope to be seeing some big changes going on. The election itself was contended by myself and Lap12345 and it’s been perhaps one of the more important Party President elections for the UKRP in a long time because of the state it’s currently in.

The party's the oldest in the UK

The structure of the party has been laid out already with the likes of GGRyan, Master Hofkens and Sir Humphrey Appleby all taking a leading roll. For the newer members who have taken an interest in the game and are showing promising signs of becoming important individuals, giving them a fairly big job straight off would in my opinion not be fair on them and so they’ll be working with the more experienced members of the party so perhaps next month they can begin to take a much larger role in how the party works.

One of the biggest plans in my manifesto was to do with the policies and the creation of a Committee. This committee is made up of several people being myself, Jhorlin, Sir Humphrey Appleby, Dishmcds, GGRyan, lap12345, Blaggard and Master Hofkens. The Committee is something I think will be vital in bringing back the UK Reform Party onto the political stage again. The Committee will work in a very simple way, at least once a week the eight of us will come together and discuss how we can update or improve out policies, if a change has been needed and is agreed on we will allow the rest of the party to take part in discussions about the updated set. Something that is perhaps a little more worrying is the Congress Elections. We’re already getting underway in how we can go about these and who we will have running in the election.

No, not that type of running

I’d also like to welcome Dishmcds as the Deputy Party President. As someone who led the party last time it was struggling to find its feet I’m sure he’ll be a valuable member by my and the parties side. Finally Media is something we’ve been lacking in lately, expect super articles being released on a regular basis from Sir Humphrey Appleby and his team. Yes, they will be released in this newspaper so you best subscribe to get all the latest gossip on what TUP member we caught snooping around our toilets (Strange, I know).

Do you know this man?

To wrap this article up in some lovely wrapping paper and a little bow, we all know this is an important month for the UK Reform Party and we have a huge challenge ahead. By the end of this month we should be looking back on a stronger presence in Congress, a more powerful media and hopefully someone who’s moved house. Let’s work to save the United Kingdom Reform Party Today, Tomorrow, Together.

Daniel Thorrold
UK Reform Party President