[UKR]Questions and Answers about Podolia

Day 976, 16:51 Published in Ukraine China by mihail.cazacu
Question: Why is Romania fortifying Podolia?

Answer: To minimize the possibility of losing the province by force.

Question: Does Romania intend to keep Podolia forever?

Answer:: Romania is willing to return Podolia to a friendly Ukraine. Romania annexed Podolia only after 2 consecutive presidents (Geka and Ivan Sirko) engaged in hostile acts towards Romania.

Question: What does it mean a friendly Ukraine?

Answer: A friendly Ukraine is a Ukraine member of EDEN.

Question: Don't you realize that annexing Podolia and fortifying it would further alienate the Ukrainians and push them towards Phoenix instead of bringing them closer to EDEN?

Answer: Ukraine behaved hostile during Geka's term and again during Ivan Sirko's term. At that time Ukraine had Podolia. Therefore it seems it made no difference if Ukraine had or didn't have Podolia. If Ukraine wants to get Podolia back now it's time to exhibit a different behavior than the behavior during the terms of Geka and Ivan Sirko.

Question: If Ukraine is a truly sovereign nation, why should Ukraine care about what Romania says? Why can't Ukraine attack Moldova if Ukraine wants to? Moldova is not Romania anyway.

Answer: Ukraine should care about what Romania says because provocation and sovereignty are two very different things. Moldova was without MPPs because Moldova was the organizer of the EDEN Training Wars. Since Moldova was not protected, Romania had the moral obligation to assist Moldova in case of an attack.

Question: Why so much butt-hurt because of an attack on Moldova, which was just for fun?

Answer: This is a game of strategy. Next time try to have fun in a strategically meaningful way.

Question: What if instead of moving towards EDEN Ukraine moves towards Phoenix?

Answer: First of all, since the term of Alexey Mac Ukraine behaved like a member of Phoenix. So that would be nothing new, really.

If Ukraine wants to join Phoenix instead of normalizing her relations with Romania and recovering Podolia peacefully, how can we stop that from happening?

Second, we have seen Latvia and Italy moving away from Phoenix. There should be good reasons for that. Maybe the only way for Ukraine to find out why people are leaving Phoenix is to join Phoenix.

Third, Ukraine can always try the "French solution" - bring Hungary to Podolia and if Hungary manages to conquer Podolia, to see how quickly she will be able to recover Podolia from Hungary. Since Hungary is Romania's source of baby-boom, any opportunity to fight Hungary is more than welcome.

Of course there's also the possibility the Ukrainian players learn from the past mistakes. I am sure the Russians with Ukrainian passports and the Russian fans can't learn anything. They've engaged in those provocations precisely because they didn't care about Podolia. They were glad when Ukraine lost Podolia because they could finally show how evil the Romanians are.

They would have kept attacking Romania and Moldova until we would have reacted because they only care about "fun". Negotiating with the Russians and their lap dogs is therefore useless and a waste of time anyway. (They are free to troll the article because that's what they're doing best.)

We are however willing to negotiate with those Ukrainians who truly care about Podolia and Ukraine's best interests. Hopefully they will succeed in regaining the control over their own country soon.