[UKR] Meet the same Romanian Ambassador :-)

Day 749, 02:06 Published in Ukraine China by mihail.cazacu

Hello again!

This is yet another term for me as Ambassador to Ukraine. Last month I was a tad busy being also the Minister of Defence of Romania. This is why most of my articles were published elsewhere.

We've made a long journey since my first term here:

1. Ukraine recovered Dnipro and Siveria with our diplomatic and military help;

2. The opening of the EDEN markets to the Ukrainian iron allowed Ukraine to quickly accumulate enough gold to put Q5 hospitals in almost all the provinces. That in turn made possible a "slow-baby-boom";

3. We kept out promise to relinquish our control over the 5 seats in the Congress before the contract expired. That allowed more Ukrainians to learn what it means to be a Congressman and probably helped building the trust between our two countries;

4. We remained neutral during the last 2 presidential elections (as the scores can confirm), thus eliminating any suspicions the Ukrainian government might be under any foreign influence.

5. We renewed the MPP with Ukraine, therefore guaranteeing her security. We have also encouraged our EDEN allies to do the same. We did it even though the price of the MPPs is now 100 gold instead of 30.

6. The Ukrainians and Romanians cooperated in putting Slovakia back on the map. That was an interesting operation during which the Russians also contributed. If there is a will there is always a way 😉

I am confident the trend of building a strong relationship will continue.

Speaking of the strong relations I was asked by various Congressmen and members of the government what would be the impact of the events in France to our bilateral relations.

We consider that Ukraine acted as a faithful and honorable ally when she fought for the defense of France. MPPs which only remain on paper are worthless.

In the same time we consider France's situation is the result of a continuous string of bad choices the French government kept making since July 2009:

1. Even though France had reasons to attempt to get revenge for the failed "Operation French Toast" it is dangerous to try to get revenge on a more powerful enemy when you can not fight him one-on-one. Being dragged into a war by your more powerful allies BEFORE you are a strong country yourself is always going to backfire.

2. 7 weeks ago France refused the offer to close the war with Spain and to change her set of alliances. They rejected the idea of a peace and a NAP with Spain and of an MPP with Romania because they wanted to stick to their alliance with the UK. What did UK do next? Continued to play the role of PEACE/Phoenix puppet and attacked the USA and Belgium. France tied herself to a trouble-maker. The end result is now most of her economy is under Spanish control. And guess what would happen to both UK and France after the American campaign in Asia is over and Iran, Hungary and Indonesia have lost all their high-iron regions?

Romania's point of view remains that France should be treated differently than PEACE/Phoenix key members but this can only happen if France decides to start using logic instead of whatever they use now to plan their military strategy and international relations. That would be difficult as long as France refuses to talk to Spain in a reasonable way (and reasonable means to acknowledge the difference of power and to properly compensate Spain for the last summer invasion instead of entertaining the illusion of equal partners at the negotiating table). But since the ball was always in the French court, there is still hope.

The Ukrainian government has accumulated a lot of experience in successfully dealing with apparently impossible situations and therefore could act as an intermediary and adviser to the French. This too can make the game more interesting to play during the next 30 days.

May we have another exciting month ahead of us!