[ukGov]Ask the Government Day 1570

Day 1,569, 15:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office


Welcome to Day 1570's version of the MoHA!

As we plan on being extra communicative this month, we've got more to tell you!

Ask the Government - Live IRC Session

Starting day 1570, and (hopefully) once per week we're going to schedule an "Ask the Government IRC session" in #mentoring on the Rizon server (the same server as our regular #euk channel). The MoHA and his staff will be present, and Talon is scheduled to attend as well. We're hoping all Ministers can make it, but your questions should be able to get answered, so anyone who wants to know anything about your Government this month, the direction we're headed in, and what we're trying to do as a community is more than welcome to stop by. It will be planned for 1100 Erepublik time (the time in the top right corner).

If you have a question, you can also send them to Dishmcds via PM, and we can try to fill them into the session. We're only planning between half an hour to an hour for this session, so we'll do whatever we can time permitting, but rest assured. We'll do what we can to post the questions and answers from the serious questions so you can all see.

NNA to restart

To all you aspiring journalists out there, we'll be restarting the NNA's quite soon! For those unfamiliar with them, they are the National Newspaper Association Awards, which track and award high quality journalism here in the UK. It can be serious journalism or jokingly, all will qualify to enter! Prizes won't be huge, but every little bit helps.

Gold Standar😛 500 GBP
Silver Standar😛 250 GBP
Bronze Standar😛 1 GBP and Talon's phone number

Spais in your bases

Our Red v Blue is in full swing. In case you live under a rock, or just haven't seen yet, you, the normal person have the chance to get chosen as the next King of the United Kingdom. Everyone who's anyone, including the President of our esteemed (cough) neighbours is taking part, so get a move on! You can find more details here!

MoD restarts British Army

We've got several options for you if you're looking to get more involved in the military side of things. The MoHA is running a non-supply Military Unit called "The Resistance", which anyone is welcome to join. I have been handing out weapons by request, but it will not be a full supply unit. If you're interested in such a unit, and want to join the official British Military, then you should read our MoD Newspaper for more details!


- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice then PM us at eUK Home Office and you will be contacted shortly.

-If you're a new player you may qualify for free food. Follow this link and post in the threads advertising food schemes there.

-If you're looking to help out this month, or take part in shaping what the eUK is going to do, we're still open to take applications. Simply post here or PM Dishmcds.

Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [ukGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

-The MoHA Team