[UK] Endurance; and how it wins wars

Day 1,004, 16:36 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Some clearly cannot last long enough

I apologise for a lack of updates in game, this is of course due to the huge amount of time that I have spent planning, and then implementing, the UK's recent successes. Before I go on about how we're awesome and canada are rubbish, just a quick tl;dr

First and foremost, I want to thank our military and the military of each of our allies. Over the last week or so, you've had to deal with some really clever tactics from EDEN, as well as a relative silence from the UK. We didn't communicate effectively: we didn't think things through: we could've handled things better. Lessons are learned, things are improving: just take a look at the map and you can see that. I really want to thank antonio, dus_led, Baltazar8, Eazz and Naischa. Without you guys, I really do not think I'd be here writing things, let alone talking about the UK as a country. So yeah, we owe you a lot, cheers.

I dont know if you've notice😛 we've been doing some winning recently. Not only are we financially equipped, we're also in a great place right now; tactically speaking. We also have the support of our allies, and we're on a sort of "winning streak" - it feels good to win and encourages us to up our game.

The general mood has improved a lot as well, as you can probably see from my profile, I added a snapshot of the UK: and gauging peoples shouts, everyone is getting, well, less depressed: which is always a positive.

Something I want to stress; yes we've won battles, yes we've lost some. I am confident we can restore the UK to its entirety should we choose to. Please, oh lord, don't think there is any malice in actions that are taken. Before we attack, retreat, defend, even breathe, we consider the ramifications of each move we make. If it puts us in a better position; we will take it.

I'd also like to define what I mean when I say "worthless" regions. The UK is quite unique, in that we have managed to, on the whole, centre our economy into one region. Something ridiculous like 90% of our companies are based in London: so any strategy the UK uses is to protect this. By "worthless" I am talking about a region which has very few companies (and thus income) - it is nothing to do with real life. It is purely about what that region gives us; income, borders, bragging rights, whatever. In short, they are regions that we can temporarily sacrifice, to ensure our survival. So please, just move to London so you aren't affected.

I really cannot stress enough: I know what I am doing. Our military is well funded. Our economy is improving daily. Our reserves are healthy.

There is little point wasting gold to get everything back right away - Canada are fighting a losing war, so with patience we can ensure we do this as cheaply and efficiently as possible. With shrewd tactics, we can even make them spend a bit more! I dont know how many times it's been said, but I will say it again, and again:

Keep calm and carry on.

Deputy Prime Minister