[UK] A tribute to avec

Day 975, 14:36 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Apparently some people like music to go with their reading

I wanted to let everyone in the UK, the world know about why the tables have turned in Phoenix's favour recently. In V2, so far we have seen Norway stripped of its oil, and the UK capitalized. We have seen Russia take advantage of its huge MPP stack against the USA, fortifying Washington, Oregon, and they are currently trying to take California too. Croatia, long since doomed, are being taken apart region by region by unstoppable forces: Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia. On the down side for Phoenix, Ireland has stolen some medium oil.

None of this would have been possible without the hard work, dedication, and strategic genius of the UK's very own operative: avec. Many months ago, avec was given a task: become the leader of EDEN. Unfortunately, we were too busy drinking tea, and bemoaning sharing a border with Canada to notice that many months ago he was elected as the guy who decides which EDEN country is being sacrificed that day. Thats right. For months, the UK has controlled EDEN.

Avec looks lovely in yellow, right?

At the time we decided to double bluff the world and allow avec to declare where his loyalties really lay, a plan was hatched. Firstly, we would encourage EDEN to take advantage of a "weakened" Hungary, who would lose Hellokitty, thanks to Croatia and Romania invading with their MPP stacks. The battle would finish with Phoenix saving Hungary, and restoring it to its glory, minus the iron mines.

Whilst we were doing this, we planted operatives in Sweden, and in Norway, to try to allow Poland to undermine EDEN's income from Raw Materials, and allow them through these regions, and the UK, to America. Once this was complete, we began agreeing the big day: the day the UK finally got high oil.

During all of this, the one person who pulled their weight, calculated our chances, and ensured that EDEN were playing right into our hands, was of course, avec. Without his hilarious article declaring no-one from EDEN would ever lose a region, ever, we wouldn't have been able to pull things off.

So I'd like to personally thank avec, and as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, I'd like to officially announce that in return for his services, and dedication:

Avec is henceforth to be referred to as Honourary Leader of the Vikings, The King of Norway.

Edit: thanks to avec's dedication; Serbia have just completed the job we all thought was impossible; wiping "Croatia".

Rewarding those who deserve it
