[TUP] Vote GLaDOS! (ps. We topped 500 members!)

Day 653, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
TUP tops 500 members, MR WOLDY last seen being carried by a jubilant crowd towards the throne of epic Win!

A tearful Woldy was heard to comment `I just never thought we`d make it. I love you all!`

Today party stalwart and world famous electoral export Malta_1990 noticed that the Unity Party had topped 500 members. The party got so excited that we almost forgot to campaign for GLaDOS, our candidate in the Presidential elections.

GLaDOS remarked ,“I know it’s exciting, but can we please do some work?”

The Unity Party has swung from strength to strength over the last few months, with consistently impressive victories in successive congress elections, the largest party in congress for months now. We’ve also supported the winning candidate every month since April...let’s keep that record up!

Vote GLaDOS on the 5th of September for a stronger UK!

Five things that have been better under a TUP Presidency

1. No more fluff! Every candidate since forever has said this, since Hassan came to power we’ve cut down on unnecessary legislation and focused on keeping government streamlined!
2. A Military we can be PROUD of! Be it the navy, air force, guard or Paras the armed forces have been better off under Hassan! And who is better to continue that form than GLaDOS, and experienced Commanding Officer!
3. A strong society! TUP has always looked after the little guy and a TUP presidency will look after you throughout the game, from the day you’re born to the day you join the Paras to kick some enemy behind!
4. Some Fun around the Place! We actually had more wars under TUP government than we did in the previous six months put together! GLaDOS, on hearing this, promised to invade some more places for fun 😛
5. Communication!The mighty MR WOLDY has been leading the communication front as Minister of Home Affairs for some time now! Under TUP, you know what’s going on, and if you don’t we’ll tell you!

VOTE GLADOS – For a strong Military, a strong Society and more Fun than ever!

Royal Guard soldiers celebrate building a wall. Woldy is in the background with the tea pot

So where do we go from here?

Well it’s ONLY 90 members to go until we take over the UKRP! We’ve been steadily gaining on them for months, more than doubling in size when they’ve only picked up a hundred or so members in the same time!

Join TUP, cos we`re going places!

Party member Iain Keers was heard to say “It’s really hard thinking up all these ‘quotes’”.

Meanwhile, in Wales, party member Karacticus was seen going from farm to farm delivering boat GLaDOS leaflets. The promise of a national hospital company was well received by members there. One said “In Wales we’ve been missing a decent hospital for so long, we have to visit the scummy English to get decent Health Care!”

So remember, remember, on the 5th of September...

Vote GLaDOS, Vote TUP, Vote for Britain!

Iain Keers
Council of Unity officer for general stuff and things