[TUP]The Best Kept Secret or Our Next CP Candidate or Karacticus is Wittering On

Day 710, 12:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Good borrow to thee fair TUPers and all other sane minded folk. Gosh I'll even bid a good grief to the unhinged among us. I stand before you today with a message. This message is of the utmost importance and therefore requires the obligatory Karacticus preamble and with that firmly out of the way may I present to you our candidate for the forthcoming CP elections....

How could we put the full support, garters and all, of the Unity Party behind anyone else?
It was a unanimous decision as soon as we mentioned CP elections within several seconds the Woldy man was the only chap for us.

The Moustachioed One has, in his short month in charge, has steadily brought stability to our shores. In these times of uncertainty, when war is at the door, we need a Woldy.

This month we have seen a shift in eUK politics. The Government has stepped up its efforts to safe guard the most important resource in this game….

Many laughed and called him crazy. They claimed it couldn’t be done; however, the Woldy was not deterred. He strode into the corridors of power and decreed that we would have a fully functioning gifting scheme and so it was done.
Our sickly players can now visit the British Gifting Hub and receive help and advice to keep them in tip top condition.

His kindness and benevolence to new players has also seen his baby, the Ministry of Home Affairs, run super shiny new player guides every week since his appointment. Knowledge is a powerful tool and eUK citizens are becoming some of the most educated in the eWorld.

A major criticism of previous administrations has been their lack of communication. In a Woldy world we have a veritable smorgasbord of information coming from central Government. Personally I like to know what our Ministers are up to and now I’m spoiled for choice.

Now these are but a few things that have stuck in the mind of this world weary Party President. I will let the good man himself tell you his vision for the next month.

Of course the optimistic Welsh man in me would like to think that other parties will see the sterling work that has been achieved by the Woldy over the last month and show their support for him.


Mr Prime Minister, the Unity Party salutes you.

Mr Karacticus K Karacticus

Unity Party President