[TUP] The Awesome Party

Day 641, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Dear Friends,

First of all, I'd like to say a word on the recent military performance of the UK. Some months ago, when the UK was an Atlantis member, our military consisted of a small, elite force and a large poorly funded volunteer force known as the Navy. Our Guards of course existed, but being a Royal Guard was effectively no different to being a normal citizen.

Now things have changed. The UK not only has a growing, well trained army, it boasts one of the strongest and best funded armies for a country of it's size. Under the leadership of Hassan Pesaran the UK has built up government owned weapons companies, increased expenditure of gold and geared our economy for war in a way unimaginable months ago. The Unity Party fully supports our former leader and member, and we have nothing but admiration for the huge advances made in recent times.

Our army of six months ago is a pale shadow of the current machine, which grows each day. For this we have to thank several individuals including Hassan who have worked tirelessly to rebuild our military, including the likes of Thehorseltd, Lotfire, Kumnaa and so many more. All of these people I have mentioned happen to be members of The Unity Party.

Secondly I'd like to talk about France, which has recently grown by 24,000 citizens.. As you may have guessed, this isn't because someone made 24k multis, it is the result of a sustained and ultimately victorious attempt by just a handful of French and their supporters to induce a babyboom. In erep terms, a babyboom is when a country manages to instigate a vast recruitment campaign using internet forums and messageboards to recruit new players.

But why do I care? Britain needs you to help us do the same thing. We have fallen down rankings to 12th place as other, smaller real life countries have proven more successful than us at recruitment. Whereas we see it as a slightly crummy (only kidding) browser game they see it as an opportunity to kick some ass, and the real life names of countries helps generate that feeling.

So what I want you to do is email the party organisation if you are a member of a forum, or you would like to help fund advertising on facebook and other social networking sites. That way we can build up a campaign, get a tonne of people to join the eUK and then stomp our enemies into the ground, and other such entertaining pass-times!

Next I'd like to talk to you about a few issues we've been having in the whole economy. Yeh, we're having some issues, we're always having some issues, you're used to hearing about this. Basically, the government may have misjudged the whole GBP issuing thing a little bit, and we need people to sell a little gold so we can get the currency back on track. Normally they'd just sell it themselves, but you know, this little war is using up most of our supply.

So if you have 5 gold and you don't know what to do with it then put it on the market, sell it off to some poor business owner with loads of GBP and use the moneys to buy yourself some guns.

Finally, I'd love you to Join the Unity Party!. Look at that- 470 people already have! We're rapidly catching those UKRP people as well 🙂 So sign up now and be part of the most organised, most successful party in the eUK.

Hope to see you soon 😃