[TUP PR] On Congress

Day 2,377, 09:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ragnell

Ohai eUK.

All of a sudden, Congress elections are upon us, like a snake coiled to strike. This article will cover TUP’s final congress list (which was chosen using a new method) and our general perspective on the ATO effort.

Final Congress List for Elections
TUP has adopted a new method of organising the congress candidate list this month. The candidates (who applied on the forums) were divided into two groups – those active on both IRC and forums, and those active only on forums, the classification being up to the PP. The two groups were then ordered in number of congress medals, with people having the least going on top, and the list of the first group was then put on top of the list of the second group, to form the final congress list.

There was general agreement that this method was fairer to everyone involved. So, without further ado, the official congress list for this month:

1. Jayxm
2. The Grumpy
3. Ragnell
4. hotfuz
5. Hugo Lilly
6. Bohemond4
7. Lonqu
8. Kravenn
9. Calum D Wilson
10. gManalishi
11. BrunoCND
12. Talon Karrde

TUP normally has more applicants for Congress than this, but the other applicants unfortunately did not apply ingame in time.

Comment on Vendetta and the ATO
To be honest, there wasn’t much the ATO operation could do when Serbs began moving en-masse out of the SerUK party into Vendetta – consequently it has just over 100 members, a number nearly impossible to push out of the top 5. Vendetta is now effectively Dapper and his supporters, swelled with Serb numbers.

The only thing we can do at the moment, is report as many multies as you can. All TUP members are encouraged to do this. It is inevitable that there will be some undesirable congressmen this month, and it should be an aim to keep that number as low as possible, in order to mitigate the inevitable number of PTOers who will have their CS approved.

- New method in finalising order of congress candidates.
- Report as many multies as you can. GO GO GO!

TUP PR Guy (And the guy who holds the umbrella)