[TUP PR] Ohai There

Day 2,373, 11:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ragnell

Ohai eUK.

So, Iain Keers is now Party President of the Unity Party, which means I find myself appointed the PR guy. Don’t shoot the messenger…

Seriously though, I’d like to apologise for the relative lateness of this article (4 Days Late) due to university exams frying my brain. Now that’s out the way, I hope to write a few articles on behalf of TUP this month. 😃

ATO Manoeuvres
I’m sure this has been repeated several times by several people, but the ATO action was a simply extraordinary piece of coordination by the eUK in order to safely secure the top 5 parties with trusted Party Presidents. Undoubtedly much of the credit has to go to ACroc and Adastros for their organisation of the whole operation. TUP is proud to have taken part! o7

You are Awesome

The next step for the ATO operation is to secure the top 5 parties for congress elections. Dapper and co have as expected surged up the party rankings with their new party, Vendetta (how imaginative), and have claimed a temporary spot in the top 5. I am however confident that we will be able to repel them in time. As always, TUP is prepared to cooperate with other parties in any planned ATO manoeuvre.

TUP will be fielding its own candidates for congress this month. A thread regarding congress applications has been opened on the forums – if you wish to candidate for congress, I strongly encourage you to make your interest known on this thread. It can be found here.

NB: If you do not have access to our subforum, then make a request for access, here. We will be happy to accept if there are no issues.

I would like to take the opportunity to reiterate that forum and IRC activity is recommended if you wish to be an effective congressman. Regardless, it would be a great idea for you all to join up to the eUK forums if you have not done so already, and to be a regular on IRC – it’s free and fairly easy to use. I suggest signing up to both outlets so that you can meet the entire eUK community and get to know us. 😃

The aim this month for TUP is to be more positive in our interactions with other parties, especially regarding the ATO, and we are also seeking to be more media-active this month. I feel sorry for the PR guy. Oh wait…

- Iain Keers new PP, Ragnell PR guy.
- Awesome govt ATO is awesome.
- Do apply for Congress! Forum link here.

TUP PR Guy (And the guy who makes the tea)