[TUP] Join Us Now!

Day 721, 06:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
There has never been a more exciting time to join The Unity Party

The Unity Party is the fastest growing, strongest party in the eUK. We have the largest national network of any party, and have backed the winning Presidential candidate in every single election we have stood in this year. The only times a non-TUP backed candidate has won is when we haven't stood anyone.

We hope to take this into the coming year, as we build on the successes of this year. You could be part of a party that continues to grow, in members, strength and organisation. The Unity Party community is the strongest in the eUK, with new members getting a level of support rivalled only by the commune structure of our brothers, the People's Communist Party.

Our congress members are young, active, enthusiastic and bright. But don't be put off thinking about running for congress yourself. Often as many as half our congressmen are new each month, as our members step up to ever greater heights in government, the military, or even internationally as soldiers of our mother alliance PEACE.

Unite and fulfil your potential

Reasons to Join TUP

*Strong tradition of Centre-Left politics: Our tradition of putting young players first, and of supporting national welfare programs, is attractive to many young players.

*Success in elections: If you want to secure a career in politics and be active in congress or even higher, TUP is the best party for you.

*A chance to debate with like minded people: TUP always runs debates in its policy discussion, which is safe from trolls and lets you voice ideas without fear of being attacked by less friendly people.

*Backup! TUP protects its own. If you're feeling a bit alone in the new world and you want a bunch of people there to pile in on your side, few can name a more formidable force than TUP.

*We love tea: bit of a jokey one here. But it's true, the kettle is always on in the clubhouse! You can find us both on the forums and the IRC hanging out, drinking tea and generally plotting to rule the world (another joke, we only want Wales).


TUP News

*Party President Elections are coming up. There is a bit of a debate going on as incumbent Karacticus may step down. Three active candidates (active=on the forums) have so far declared, so it'll be another of our famously close races! Get in on the debate here

*Welfare debate: TUP is currently discussing a proposal by Chip Daniels MP (PCP) to provide partial funding for councils by the government. You can get in on that debate here

*Ministry of Defence restructure: TUP is currently debating which format is best for the MoD to follow, weighing up the pros and cons of the past, existing, and potential future systems. Get in on that debate here

*Applications for players who wish to run for congress will open on the 16th of November. If you're not signed up to the forums or not registered to our private forums, then sign up now and make a name for yourself! Active and interested people will be given priority!

That's all for now! Please Vote and Subscribe! Hope to see you soon...

Iain Keers