[TUP] And it's goodbye from me...

Day 725, 10:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

This dear friends will be my last Unity Party article as your glorious leader.
It's time for a change and some fresh energy to take the reigns and steer us towards greater things. Now I'm not leaving the party, I'll still be lurking in the darker corners of the game.

What Next?

You guys have to decide on the person who you see as the best option for our party. There are a number of candidates who have put their names forward but for me this is a two horse race. The two faces to look for are Stefan1992 and Lord Weiss. This is as much as your going to get out of me as far this is concerned. I'll be keeping tight lipped on my preferred candidate but it's one of those chaps.

Blowing my own trumpet

Well if I don't do it who will? There are two things I'm very proud of achieving over the last two months and now that I'm on my way out I'll tell you what they are.

Becoming the largest party in the country- As soon as we overtook the UKRP as the countries largest party it brought a wry smile to my face. Of course this is down to each and every active party member out there. Thank you for getting our message of help and support out there.

Becoming a scandal - In what was the most ridiculous bit of over the top spin I've ever seen, the FDP firmly believed that I and Mr Keers were hell bent on bringing the House of Lords to it's knees. I'd like to thank the FDP for giving me the largest laugh of my eLife. I don't know if was connected but our numbers suddenly jumped at this point.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

While I have you here I'd just like to thank a few people for their help over the last few months - consider this my gushing, tear stained leaving thing...

Iain Keers - Mr TUP has stepped into the breach to help me on more than one occasion these last few months. It has been an honour to be known by the ancient ones as your puppet. Thank you sir.

Malta - It's nice to have a Malta in your party. Your knowledge and vocal support has been a blast. Cheers your Lordship.

Mr FD - or Final Destiny to you. Your lurking in the shadows and coming up with solutions every now and again has been muchly appreciated. Oh and by the way... I hate sundaes.

Finally some bloke you may not have heard of...

Mr Woldy - You've helped out a bit. Your humour has restored my faith that the eUK isn't full of moaners. What are you up to these days anyway?

You lot - yeah you've been better than any of us. You go out and support us at every turn. Without your support we'd be rubbish.

That's your lot

Goodbye and all that jazz.
It's been a blast.
TUP rulez.
God save the King.
I r da best.

Mr Karacticus Karacticus

Unity Party President