[Training war] Yet another failure from UK to the eyes of the World.

Day 598, 10:10 Published in United Kingdom USA by Sossu

So it has been decided, that UK takes part of an exclusive, very own and private training war with Hungary. Many UK people have been surprised and delighted that training wars will see at the first page, but the World, once again when UK training wars are being talked about, were shocked of the latest UK failure.
As we all remember, your latest PM Kumnaa led a fake crusade against Ireland, and as it had very lulzing effect to the worlds press that day, it also had some very concerning side effects. Some citizens filled their inventorys with guns to use them in a war they thought was for real, and were angry when their money was wasted. Other, much more severe effect was the effect to UK😒 foreign image. After that day it was doubtful if UK could be honest to their allies, as the ultimatum against Ireland threatened the post-ATLANTIS’s countries training war, which is currently enjoyed by 19 countries, including UK itself. In the forming of new alliances, trust and credibility are very much valued. (What a funny coincidence that UK is today neutral.)
So whats so upsetting in the latest idea, training war with the almighty Hungary?

1. North America prepares for PEACE invasion

[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/urgent-peace-threat--852048/1/20 [/url]
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/challenges-we-face-a-presidential-address-853040/1/20 [/url]
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-coming-conflict-853112/1/20 [/url]

As you can see, US is taking seriously the threat coming from PEACE and is now convinced that they will attack very soon, in a matter of days, thus preparing their citizens for war. Is the UK government really so shortsighted that they think that the fact that they will give Hungary, the pillar of PEACE, a free-of-charge pass through their lands, will not be spotted and condemned by their former allies and almost companions in Fortis. (Well, actually it will cost a shitload of gold, but UK is the payer. Later on)
UK is willingly to give Scotland to Hungary for a month, so they can first attack Newfoundland&Labrador of Canada, make their move against Quebec and then they can attack the States. USA is already in a two-front war with PEACE, Russia and its 9 MPP😒 in the other end, Portugal with also 9MPP😒 on the other. Nice one UK, veren’t you just two days ago neutral from any alliances, as PM Hassan Pesaran stated.

2. Why isn’t Ireland good enough?

“We have fantastic Allies in eIreland, and we have an open war with them! This should be taken advantage off to start Training Wars which will benefit everyone.”
-Hassan Pesaran in his election manifesto, six days ago.

So what happened to this? You aren’t saying you blow those fantastic relations with Shannon in less than a week, are you? Lets take a peak to the costs of UK😒 new training war.

MPP with Austria: 30g, if you didn’t pay for all of it.
Tickets to move..lets say 300 people from Scotlan😛 2112 GBP in the lowest price right now. Same amount of pounds is 55g. Hopefully you use state-owned tickets.
Lost Q4-hospital and DS, 190g each, total of 380g.
MoDaFa states that TW😒 will last total of 4 weeks. The rhythm isn’t told, so I made several calculations.
First is an every-day TW, which will cost you shitloads. Lets say you can move 300 Scots out of their homes, which is a very positive assumption. Then Scotland will have 223 citizens, making each attack costing you 108,25 gold. On a 30-day period the total cost is staggering 3247,5 gold. If Hungary pays half of them, the cost for UK is still 1623,75 gold.
If battles are fought in PEACE-wargame speed, there will be 15 wars in a month, and the cost for UK if Hungary pays half is 811,8 gold.
If the speed is the same as in the US wargame, the cost for UK if Hungary pays half is 541,25.

Pretty hefty, huh?
Well, the total cost isn’t any better.
2088,75 if wars are fought every day
1276,8 in PEACE speed
1006,25 if US speed

I am amazed if your diplomatic skills can convince Hungary to make your Training Wars economically profitable when other ex-ATLANTIS countries are still at war with them! If its so, UK could be the leader of the World.

But how much will it cost if you fight with Ireland?
Nothing else but the fights, which cost 75,25g each against The Shannon
Now lets compare.
In US speed, you can fight 13 times at the same cost. Thats 3 more than if you fight with Hungary.
In PEACE speed, you can fight 16 times at the same cost. Thats 1 more than if you fight with Hungary
Every day speed, you can fight 27 times at the same cost. Thats 3 less than with Hungary.
But remember, if you fight with Ireland, you will not lose hospitals, you wont have to move people, you wont lose 25 companies for a month (though the managers will propably not complain) and most important, you wont lose your face amongst the nations you have been allies for many, many months. Most important of course is the US.

People of United King... England, Wales and Northern Ireland, hope that your government decides to launch a training war every day. Unless, this is an economical disaster. Its already a disaster in Outer Politics.