[TOOLS] Cool Tools from Tif

Day 778, 03:22 Published in India India by The eIndian Footprint

:: 1) The New Citizen Finder by country
:: 2) The eRepublik military tracker
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The New Citizen Finder by country


:: 1) MANUAL


It is a really easy to use tool . It tracks down all the new citizens born on that day , ie , the citizens born from yesterday 00:00 to today 00:00 erep time .To use it you just have to open the webpage provided to you by me.You dont have to worry about anything as the tool updates itself automatically , just open the pages and note down all the details and bookmark it . The Info on the page is updated at 00:00 erep time . So you guys got full 24hrs to use the details of that days new citizens. You dont have to do anything , just sit and relax. Dont worry about legality as it is a complete API based tool .


1) It updates every 24hrs , so the new citizen info is up to date

2) Some countries may get a baby boom but may ruin it since they cant track new citizens , this help you to track the new citizens daily and provide support to them , effectively making the baby boom a success and the new citizens after learning the details of the game will also recommended the game making the baby boom even bigger

3) Details like Name Region XP Wellness Employer Date of Birth is given.

4) Even foreign citizens who visit the country are recorded


You can get this tool at a meagre price of 5 GOLD for 2 week period , 10 GOLD for 4 WEEKS and so on and just renew at end of every period to extend the validity of tool of your country

This fee is nothing compared to advantage of having many active new citizens , which leads to increase in revenue and therefore in countries progress

You may donate the gold to this org account , and PM with the country you want to track for new citizens and activate the tool for your country


The Tracker for India

Click Here to see example
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The eRepublik military tracker


:: 2) MANUAL


The new version has a new name hence all players should be manually added back to the script . Sorry for the inconvenience 😛

Now the current problem is that the eRepublik API is not updating the ".json" files regularly after it was moved to the new servers hopefully this will be solved soon

Donations in the form of gold or currency is appreciated 🙂


Damage per fight per weapon at current wellness
Damage with 1 - 6 fights with wellness beig decreased by 10 each fight
Total damage per Unit with the number of fights included


The usage of this script is simple
Just add the player id in the add more text box
usernames with spaces in between or "." should be entered with player id as there are problems with these characters in erepublik api

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1)This software is donationware. You are welcome to donate eRepublik in-game gold to author of this script. Amount of gold is up to you and it reflects what you think author deserves for the effort of contributing to the eRepublik community.
2)Software is provided 'AS IS' and without any warranty.
3) The Total damage calculator might off by + or - 2 , 3 damage units due to the rounding off function
4)Use on your own responsibility.
5)This is a total eRepublik API based tool
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Please vote and sub and donate a few pieces of gold
