Day 749, 11:18 Published in China Indonesia by Wonder Forward

Dear Aliao and chinese people,

First of all, I am an honest yet hot-tempered person. I'm also a good propagandist and my trade is selling hatred.

That's why I think my words had good impact.
I also saw many forums started up with my articles, if it did you good with new citizens, I'm happy as well. But I'm writing now to clear misunderstanding, not prolonging my mistake.

I want to have friends and peace, not war.
First, I apologize for my article and I had deleted it to show forth my goodwill.
Some people said that aliao got letter from Balash, which sounds incredulous.

To eIndonesia, Balash is always an enemy. He's PTOers and he was known for breeding multies and topple government and even disrupt us.

So, why she thought Balash is my friend? No way! We had even defeated Balash PTO many times, and Balash spread news in Iran that Indonesia wants to attack Iran, our brother country.

Can you even believe that? Some iran people bought that, and we had done our best to get rid of Balash since now.
Well, he might already put some insane word that we would attack soon or lie to you.

Angry as I am yesterday, I have never lied to you people.
I apologize for my temper outburst, but please let me clarify the fact.

1. eIndonesia had returned several regions to you early last month.

2. There had been ongoing negotiations on region return, however, it doesn't mean it ends. eIndonesia just postphoned the negotiations when malay war erupts, and we wait for new presidency to decide things (since new CP and congress means new decision).

We have given good faith that your region will be returned. We won't hold your region forever, yet we haven't drawn contracts yet. I still believe I had real good relationship with aliao, william, and TheSamurai.


3. Suddenly China attack us and without any well meaning communication, blocks again for the second day right when USA attacks.
It is normal for eIndonesia, who has pride, to feel angry as well.

Cause We feel angry and empathy to China being made into EDEN puppet, being dragged by eUSA just to satisfy their urge to battle PHOENIX nations.

I'm sure you are not anyone's puppet. You had proved yourself in these two days.

I seek to understand as well that eIndonesia has many people and history, we maybe prideful and tempered, but we are always sincere.

Your government action had touched that pride button and we both need to calm down and reflect on things. WilliamLai had come to me with good faith, reasoning, and cool temper and we just talked on how to restore relationship for both nations.

To restore trust on both sides.

To do that, we need to make concrete steps first.
From eIndonesia side, we declare that we will not pursue hostile relationship and will not invade eChina.

From eChina side, we hope you stop the battle. It's just waster of gold and we both had our own training war.

Let us forget these two battles. They may just serve the interest of eUSA and EDEN.
Let's be friends.

Let's cool down first and show the world we are intent on continuing the negotiation.
I want to emphasize that we never said that we would hold your land forever, it just took some time to assure Indonesian people and congress that once the region return, we will be close friend. Very best friend.

In eIndonesia experience, many land return sometimes provoke bad relationship and smugness from the side who receives that. Certainly we don't want to be thanked and get praises.
We took regions because it's all just history and necessity at that time. You can say that we just happen to control that region.

But what we want is to know eChina better first and assure we will get a long lasting relationship, We want to return region in harmony and understanding from both sides. Not just "This is your region, I return to you," but both sides are unwilling and grumbling by heart and not wanting to be friends.

I hate that and I swore I would never do it. Indonesia had made success in being friends with Australia, South Afrika, and even Russia in region return issue.

and of course, I'll be frank. It's hard to let go for some people who had the merit to get that region when they saved eIndonesia from Romania, fight Romania, and when we invaded eUSA.

I will not bore you with history, you'll get your own history and merit-making frenzy soon 🙂
I hope you can understand our side's difficulty, and it is sure getting a lot of difficult to pursue relationship when you are being blocked and attacked.

But we need to make sure we're friends first. And friends' help and support each other.
Let's not build more misunderstanding and have peace between us.

We solemnly declare once again we will not attack china.
That's our act of trust.
No Phoenix nation will attack china.

I hope you are willing to pursue good relationship, we will be very glad to talk with you and bridge our differences. We want a future when we gave back regions to eChina, we'll still be friends. Not like this, being played by an enemy who played Hero, but actually sowed discord and hatred.

I'm sure this is all just misunderstanding, and temper on my part, and I have nothing but apology for my words.
I was just dejected by sudden decision by aliao without even informing me or telling me. And here I am thinking she is my friend, and still now.

I am angry all day because I care of her and she's my friend.
But I have hurt many people today, and I was deeply wrong, I hope we can still be friends.

I will not be in diplomation for region return, but Bajaj will. He's an understanding man and he would serve both of our nations' interest.

If we can restore this trust and relationship asap.

eIndonesia is not your enemy, and never was. We always be sincere to our enemies, our allies, and even most to our friend.

I want to be friends with eChina.
We want to be friends with eChina.

I think this clears our misunderstanding, look forward for our peace treaty offer soon when my president wakes up.

Thank you and deepest apology,