[Thomas765] Domestic and Legislative Manifesto

Day 1,472, 08:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there, eUK!
This is my third article with regards to the upcoming election and this article, as the title suggests, will cover what I'd like to do next month in terms of domestics and legislation.

Internal Ministry of Home Affairs
I'd like to see some sort of system implemented similar to the system that mittekemuis and I changed implemented in the MoFA as it was a good way of getting people involved. I'll also be speaking to the ministers of home affairs about their ideas to improve the ministry.

Workers will also be getting paid for every individual task they do upon completion when the program is implemented. The payment could vary depending on what is done.

We really do need people to be experienced enough to take over our ministries in the future and these are great ways of getting workers more involved and into the ministry.

National Newspaper Association
I have spoken to a few people about this and they seem to want to have this back. I've always like the NNA as it rewards newer and older citizens alike for their contribution towards the UK media. However, the media module has been dying for quite some time now and enthusiasm in this regard has been lost. I'd love to see it return but not necessarily on a weekly basis but instead on a fortnightly or monthly basis so we can still reward citizens for making great analytical or observations in public.

Food Program
As many of you will be aware, the UK government is currently hosting a program called "Call To Arms" which provides weaponry to citizens of the UK. I want to open a government sponsored food program alongside it but perhaps with provisions as newer citizens should be given priority over food supplies as they need it more in most instances. This is just an idea and I'll talk it through properly with whoever is my MoF and both my MoHAs.

Updating and republishing of the eUK Library
This would involve creating the third version of the eUK library by updating out of date articles and reposting accurate ones to get the message across. Essentially, it'll be an overhaul of it. Additionally, PMs will be sent out to new citizens with links to the topics/articles so they can have a read of the guides.

Organisation of Community Leaders
These will be tasked with catering to the needs of new players on a permanent list. The list will be used in conjunction with the MoHA PMing scheme to help members with new additions and spread the word of new government programs. The community leaders will be available to speak to on both IRC and the forums when needed. Similar to mentoring.

Additionally there will be a retrial of an IRC help channel for those who require assistance on eRepublik.

Additional Domestic Ideas
- Reward new players who make it on to IRC OR the forums and stay active for more than a week. Could be worthwhile to cooperate with party presidents, military unit leaders and commanders to get feedback on such players.
- Keeping track of players from welcome PMs to keep them informed and hopefully get them on to the eUK forums.
- Weekly plans of what the MoHA and other ministries wish to publish.


Okay, so this will be hammered on pretty tightly this month. I want to focus on getting public discussion more active, aside from the PTO arguments and what not, and getting the public more aware of what's going on in terms of our legislature.

Information is great
One of my aims will be to get the Minister of Legislative Affairs to post frequent articles in-game, giving updates to the eUK public about what congress has been up to. In addition to making PD more active, I'd like the MoLA to record who has been the most active congressmen in PD and who has been the least. I'd prefer it to be published on a weekly basis so that it's up to date and more concise. It would allow voters to see how their elected congressman is doing in terms of involvement and activity.

Public Opinions
I'd personally like to see greater involvement from the public in the making of legislative decisions by congress as they are meant to be representing the public. This could involve the MoLA advertising proposals more often in his newspaper and sending out messages to the public.

Working Congress
Over the next month, I'd also like to see more of congress working in ministries and I'd support the re-proposal of Veruvia's idea.



I am opening up application for a variety of ministerial positions for the next month. All applicants are considered but not necessarily chosen. Please send me over a PM with your experience, why you want the position and the most obvious point: your name. 😛

The following positions will be available if I'm electe😛

Minister of Foreign Affairs - 1 place
Minister of Defence - 2 places
Minister of Home Affairs - 2 places
Minister of Legislative Affairs - 1 place
Minister of Finance - 1 place

Thank you for reading,
