~The "One America" Campaign~

Day 469, 12:42 Published in USA USA by ghvandyk

-- On the PANIC taxes

All of these little f$#%^$ing eReagan mini-mees that are confusing REAL workings of the economy with eRepublik. I agree with you in RL, but there is a fundamental objective difference in this game: we are here to kick ass, not to live our daily lives!!

Indonesia and Romania are doing BAD ASS right now not, I argue, because they have .005% tax rates, but rather they have a bunch of badasses in charge that are willing to show the world their balls!

We, on the other hand, have still low tax rates, but also a bunch of pussies that argue about petty bullshit, have f$#^%$ing eWeddings, and are scared about "hurting the PR image of the US by expanding its borders"... well F$$# YOU!! YOU are what has been plaguing this country from being as great as these. BUT NOW, finally we are under leadership with balls and vision to comprehend our true place in the world!!

We need these taxes with a comprehensive reform... not the bullshit that everyone says but an actual PAID FOR Army that supplies Q5 weapons to thousands of Americans and successfully directs organized attacks. That is what this should pay for. Anything else would be robbery.

-- On the coming Latin America Campaign... Phase one of The "One America" Plan!!!!

The successful (yet short thanks to the admins) campaign in Mexico was the beginning of a new era of un-gayness. Where America realizes she has the strength and should use it.

Get ready pussies, to start your firestorm of bitching! Because we have stepped into the direction of Realism, that is, seeing that WE are more powerful and therefore should take out Latin America while we can! The pussy idealists want everyone to "live" in harmony and do no harm to others... GET REAL!!! We will continue south uniting the continents under the flag we all love. Then, we will march north into Canada, unless they want to sign on as a protectorate. We will develop these backward ass countries with hospitals and defense systems as we progress bringing prosperity in our wake.

Phase One: Mexico, Latin America
Phase Two: Canada

Realizing "One America" consists of two continents


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