**The OG: Everyday A Star Is Born**

Day 671, 15:04 Published in Canada Canada by Banach

[Mic check...1 2 3. Check check! Alright, let me start.]

The beauty of eRepublik is that it is a land of unlimited possibilities.

Its a place where being born one day, regardless of who you are outside these boundaries, you can go from being nothing to everything. There are no limitations here, no one can stop you from achieving the top spot.

No matter what day you come on this world, you are fully eligible to conquer it. There are no factors hindering you or preventing you from your goals.

Whether or not you take advantage of this world of opportunity is a personal choice. You may wish to wait months on end before making your mark. You may also get your hands dirty on the first day.

Personally, I was born on Day 81. That was when my doors were opened and I was let loose on the world. Instantly, my little, inexperienced mind began flooding with ideas!

I'm going to be a media mogul!

What about being the best soldier?

Ohhhh, politics seems like fun...

Hmm, where can I find a great job and how do I write an awesome CV?!

(That's of course a very basic outlook-this is coming from someone who's done it all and tasted the fruit of free will)

This all related to the title of this editorial. Every day, a star is born. Whether he or she shines is another story and all we, the others can do, is help it through, mentor it and cherish it as our next of kin.

Day 22
The King of Prussia appears on the world map.

Day 131
Norsefire's patriarch is born to lead

Day 301
Our General appears.

Day 400
The shameless plugger arrives to spread the good word.

You catch my drift? You never know the day we may see the next great winner of literary awards, the next military genius, the next slick economist, or the rough politician, or the Chief Justice, or well...any position you can think of in that mind of yours.

We must learn to appreciate that every day is special to some--Aight bro...look...I'll let you finish, but Beyonce has one of the BEST videos of alllll time.

Well, if I get anything from being interrupted by Kanye is that at least he has a great outlook on life, one that it would be wise to adopt in eRepublik.

"Reach for the stars, so if you fall you'll land on a cloud"

