***The IRON FIST*** -Reloaded

Day 1,245, 18:18 Published in India India by Abhi347

USA..... a great country in the RL world. I admired it whole heartily for whatever achievement it has done. But in the eRep, the situation is different. We used to be friend, I couldn't ever forgot about how our USA friend helped us get our country back from the clutches of Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran and fought along side the AHF. The government of India believed in diplomacy and AHF believed in one thing, the brute force to get the nation back on the map. The achievement of AHF was countless. The reason to be successful was the courage Shail.back and David Forde showed to take bold decisions, and they both will remain my eHero even after I leave the game......

Yesterday also a bold decision was made. A MPP with USA??? USA who once was a friend after going Dioist became an enemy of India. Just for your knowledge, this is where it got started - THE IRON FIST
And I m still proud for that moment that we were having spine to raise our voice against a powerful nation. And you can sum up what they did after that one article. I never imagined being friend with USA again (Though I considered Iran and Indonesia as may be friend list). The after tomorrow the situation has been changed. I thought hard about should I support this move or not?
And what I decided that the move was neither bad nor a good one, though I still admire Mav for a bold decision and I know this one is for our friends in Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria etc. So I'll fight along side USA for the other nations, but will never fight in the battle of USA, as I can't forget about what they did.
This is my personal decision and I advise every eIndian to follow the IAF orders. May be I also need a change, thinking to join Ashw or David. Serbs are good here, at least better host than USA lol.

PS: Stay United (Till you can), India needs you...

***Time for another IRON FIST***
Signing out....

The Pirate