[TEM] Thank you for help friends!

Day 1,419, 09:51 Published in Estonia Estonia by Kaitseministeerium

Last day we had a really hard battle. In morning, battle was almost lost 7-1 and just one more round to win for Finland, but somehow luckily we managed to get back on track and position was 7-6 in Finland favor.
After that, things got hard, Flausino tanked on Finland side about 4.8 Million, but on our side were also tanks - Battalgazi and Lord Vaako. And with our friends help we managed to win.
Last battle though was too much probably, the time was in EDEN/Terra favor, about 00.00 for Central Europe and in Estonia 01.00 AM. They had also at least 3 tanks: TTI09, argrob, oboj and all EDEN forces, also US forces and some from Brasil. But we didn’t give up easily, all of our brothers, who were online did try to help us. Macedonia did concentrate only on our battle, Turkey did send everyone who they had and at least 6 of them did tank for us a lot.
Picture from ecan article

big picture

This time though EDEN/Terra force was too strong, but next time we will win!

And now, Special thanks to all, who helped us.
Lord Vaako
Chasca nahrimeD
Ah Chuy Kak

Unit AHI

Brothers from Turkey

Brothers from Macedonia

Brothers from Indonesia

Brothers from Iran

United Kingdom



And our great alliance



Together we are strong!

Estonia MoD - Jhonnytk