(TDM) Proposal

Day 807, 20:00 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by ExoM7

-Thanks to CDV for talking with me about this...

After much deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that the most efficient way to run a military is a mixture of private and federal involvement. We obviously need the soldiers to fill the ranks as well as leaders, but I wish to put us on a path to victory by overhauling our current structure and putting more power into the hands of the people, to ensure quickest and most efficient response in times of war and constant training for peaceful times.

I propose we allocate a small amount of government funds towards our squadrons, and form, basically, private militaries. Anyone can start a squadron, and instead of being assigned based on location/language, citizen-soldiers will be allowed to CHOOSE which squadron they want to be a part of.

Preliminary requirements for starting a squadron:

Create an organization
Costs 5g, the name of it will be the name of your squadron.

2-4 leaders
To function best, it helps to have someone on from a different time zone or with a generally different schedule that can check in on the PMs/distribution when you are not available. These are group efforts.

20g to start
To show that you are serious--we don't want people starting these and then abandoning them. If you have 4 leaders in your squadron, this would cost them each only 5g, so it shouldn't be too difficult to raise the funds.
Every week, or as need dictates, money/weapons will be doled out to the squad orgs, so it's not just a donation of money to the govt. Having the money upfront will determine who is truly willing to lead, however.

Set up registration
Super easy. Plenty of gdocs tutorials out there if you want to use an automated form, or if you are comfortable with just having people PM you, that works too. There needs to be a way people can join you, even if you want to do it by invite only or some other form of legitimate private squadron.

How they will function:

As mentioned before, weapon distribution will happen at pretty much a set time every week, or if there is a key battle like we've had before with the Indonesian invasion and other ally attacks, probably multiple times during the course of the war.

GENERAL ORDERS will be posted on the forum every day by the Ministry of Defense. Squadrons will refer to this for battles. I recommend making it a requirement to have a forum account to join a squadron in the first place.

If need be, specific orders will be given to squadrons based on power/ability to move/etc. These will likely be through private message/IRC formats rather than in public.

I envision squadrons being set up for different functions - say, a squadron of people who don't mind moving around, a sqd. of people who have low strength, high strength, belong to a certain party, whatever--but whatever YOU, as a whole, want, YOU can get. Squadrons will be encouraged to create specific avatars and newspapers to attract the most soldiers and stay the best organized. Have some pride! In the end, everyone answers to the government still, but you will have more flexibility in choosing your path.

As you may have realized by now, I'm pretty party-neutral here, but I'm running for VP as well under the nevvven ticket, so if you vote for him, I'd greatly appreciate that opportunity - but I will continue my MoD duties and begin to institute this program on the 6th if CDV is elected, as well, so good luck to both of you. 🙂

Minister of Defense