[STATS]Even more STATS about Northern

Day 476, 02:13 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

.....................................IND O...............ROM

Troops............................824... ..............886
Average damage ..........42..................49
per fight
*Fights over 6................777.................441
**Fights over 10.............481.................216
Troops with.....................30............. .....16
+2000 damage
Troops with.....................52............. .....32
+1000 damage

*Fights over 6 = All fights over the standard 6 ones doable for 100 wellness, this can be analysed also as WP consumed, few people fighting to 50 after using hospital

**Fights over 10= the same but over 10 fights

TOP 30 fighters from Indonezia: 22 indonezians
TOP 30 fighters from Romania: 19 romanians

TOP 10 fighters from Indonezia: 8 indonezians
TOP 10 fighters from Romania: 10 romanians

Some quick facts about this fight:

1. Indonezia had 33 +150 damage dealers (Heavy tanks) fighting in the last 2 hours

2. Romania had 15 +150 damage dealers (Heavy tanks) fighting in the last 2 hours

3. Indonezia had 76 +100 damage dealers (tanks) fighting in the last 2 hours

4. Romania had 31 +100 damage dealers (tanks) fighting in the last 2 hours

5. Indonezia had on the field in the last 2 hours 28 from its TOP 50 users based on exp ranking

6. Romania had on the field in the last 2 hours 12 from its TOP 50 users based on exp ranking

7. 96% of the damage done by Romania in the last 2 hours came from Romanian troops

8. 74% of the damage done by Indonezia in the last 2 hours came from Indonesian troops


A. We were under matched in the final 2 hours
B. Our tanks were ill equipped
C. We didn't give WP to allies
D. We had overall too few fighters on WP
E. Although on average we had more troops with a better avearge damage this wasn't enough