***SPECIAL EDITION*** Official DoD Orders Newspaper is back!

Day 717, 19:11 Published in USA USA by McDonnell Douglas

***SPECIAL EDITION*** Official DoD Orders Newspaper is back! ***SPECIAL EDITION***

As all of you know the Department of Defense organization has been compromised and is no longer controlled by the US government.

Thanks to the admins the official DoD Orders newspaper has been transferred to an org of our choice and is now back in control of the eUS government.
It will from now on reside at the Department of Citizen Orders.

You don't have to renew your subscriptions, the old ones should still be intact. You can reach the official DoD Orders here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/dod-orders-194506/1

The official DoD Orders is the only valid source for official citizen orders.
Don't fall for it if the new owner of the &quot😉epartment of Defense" org ever starts a newspaper trying to impersonate the official DoD Orders.

Check out other official newspapers in order to confirm the authenticity of this announcement (this exact same article will be published there as soon as the newspaper owners come online):


Eugene Harlot
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

Lucius Varenus
Commandant of the eUSMC

Secretary of Defense