[Speaker] Congress June - July : Vote 2 - Congress news

Day 2,069, 06:39 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

It is the 6th article and probably not the last one.

Few days ago, I published logs from Prime Minister’s Questions. But I mentioned that there would no summary of in game congress laws because it was scheduled to only publish PMQ Logs.

This time : I'm talking about the second vote and In game congress laws

I begin with the second congress vote

Well, last month : Our prime minister (Mr_woldy) signed an agreement with Ireland.
This agreement mentioned that UK keeps Mayo and Shannon. Other irish regions are released. Agreement is valid until August 5.
However, our new prime minister (Bohemond4) received a proposal from Irish President where he asked if the agreement could be renewed for another 30 days (September 5).

Before the vote, there was some talks in congress about that proposal.

Main Arguments in favor
- UK keeps access to fruits (via Shannon)
- Peaceful relation with Ireland

Main arguments to reject proposal
- Wipe Ireland is always fun
- True Patriot medals
- Population likes war

To vote : our congress members received a link to a form where a simple question was mentioned. (http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/5138/ir50.png)
Following that : they had 24h to vote (from July 19 at 01.00 et July 20 at 00.59)

We are almost at the end of the term (and also it is vacations for some people), that’s why I received 27 valid answers.

The proposal is accepted : 21 YES and 6 NO

Votes By party
TUP : 10 congress members voted (13 elected)
NewEra : 2 congress members voted (10 elected but 1 resigned and 1 moved to skatalites => 8 )
UKRP : 4 congress members voted (6 elected but 1 defected to PCP => 5)
UKPP : 3 congress members voted (3 elected)
ESO : 3 congress members voted (3 elected)
WRP : 2 congress members voted (2 elected)
PCP : 1 congress member voted (2 elected + 1 joined => 3)
Ska : 2 congress members voted (1 elected + 1 joined => 2)

Result sheet is available here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgRIhcmKx3O2dENnRjlxYXdjLUlEaUNjczJ2WjZhOHc#gid=0

PS: Schmidt Bogdan's vote was removed because he isn’t congress member. He received the link to the form on the mass mailer because he is dMoD. That’s the reason why he voted.

About In game congress laws, our MP received a lot of proposals. As usual, I will explain main decisions about each

1- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129705
Proposed by Freemason.IR, 4 days ago

Ireland has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

It wasn’t required to explain that it was a rogue proposal and UK and Ireland signed an agreement (valid until August 5 when the law was proposed)

2 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129721
Proposed by Bohemond4, 4 days ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Poland

Reasons were quite simple : Poland is a TWO member and also a great ally

3- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129730
Proposed by liuli, 4 days ago

President of Republic of China (Taiwan) proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

Reasons were quite simple : Republic of China is an ACT member and also an ally. They live in another timezone than us ( GMT + 7). On this moment : they have war with Mexico

4- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129734
Proposed by Maryoky, 3 days ago

President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with United Kingdom

Unlike other MPP laws, our Prime Minister suggested to vote YES (for other MPPs, he didn’t suggested what to vote).
Even if Spain is a TWO member and an ally, we can see 10 NO votes. These votes are probably due to current relation between Spain and other TWO members. Spain has MPP with Mexico, Brazil and Chile (who are in CoT or proCoT). Some TWO members aren’t happy with Spanish behaviour (mainly when Siddy was dSG, their support to RoLA, …). It could explain why we have so much NO votes.

5- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129770
Proposed by Bohemond4, 3 days ago

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Hungary

Reasons are quite simple : Hungary is a long time friend and also a TWO member
6- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129781
Proposed by Edward Vaughn, yesterday

VAT remains at 1% when Import taxes are raised from 8 to 10%

Clearly, it can be considered as a rogue proposal. This congress member never explained why he wanted to change our tax level. Our Minister of Finances never asked to change Import taxes on weapons

7- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129793
Proposed by Julian Caesar, yesterday

Income tax change from 5% to 25%

Once again, it can be considered as rogue. No real explanation and our minister of finances never asked for a change like this one.
PS : you can’t propose more than 25% as income tax

8- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129808
Proposed by Bohemond4, yesterday

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Greece

This MPP renewal was easily accepted : Greece is the most recent TWO member and their troops showed that they are ready to UK when we are at war. Relation between these 2 countries is recent but it is a sincere friendship who begin.
9- http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/United-Kingdom/129839
Proposed by CptChazbeard, 3 hours ago

Germany has been proposed as Natural Enemy
PENDING : 13 YES - 2 NO => Good probability to see this law accepted

This proposal isn’t yet accepted but it is on good way. Germany decided to choose Slovakia as Natural enemy. These last ones need help : UK is here to join that war and fight against Germany.

PS : This law requires a super majority, it means : at least 66% of congress votes must be in favor to be accepted.
That's all for now. On the following days, I will publish a last article for this term (with also a table who mention congress activity).

See Ya,
Speaker of the House of Commons