South African Gold Party: Building Solid Foundations

Day 730, 01:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman

Why should you join any party? Why should you join the SAGP?

eSouth Africa has certainly changed over the last couple of months. We have seen an influx of people into our country from all over the world, bringing their views and ideas to add to this great nation. We have taken advantage of this diversity and made our country stronger then ever! This is your chance to stand up and make a difference. No matter your background, previous nationality, creed or views, join the SAGP and have your say in the destiny of this nation’s path. We are currently the nations 2nd most popular party with the ultimate goal of serving eSouth Africa to the best of our ability.

Enoch Root, our countries president, and a former 2 and a half time Party President, is a great asset and continued contributor to the South African Gold Party. He has taken this nation from strength to strength, earning respect throughout all aspects of this game. We are proud of all his achievements and his association with the Gold Party.

Our classification is Center-Right, Libertarian; however this isn’t a great indicator on our views and lines. The Gold Party is a Capitalist Party. We strive to promote strength through business, well-paid workers, and keeping money in your pocket, thus ensuring eSA continues to prosper.

Here are the fundamentals of the Gold Party:

1. Economics and Military

We, at SAGP, believe in low taxes to create and stimulate an environment that is friendly to workers and business owners alike. This in turn supports population growth which leads to more people moving and working here. This growth has yet another positive effect, by supporting our businesses, buying our goods, and paying our taxes. This will happen, when we create a transparent and open economy.

We support a strong ZAR, but by this, we don’t mean a high-valued ZAR. It means a strong, fluid monetary market, wherein businesses and individuals can sell their gold for ZAR easier, and the Government can fund its necessary obligations with little fuss. A strong, fluid money market is a central part of maintaining a strong economy.

The government only needs so much funding. The main focus of our spending would be to ensure that our military is in a healthy state, and the people of eSouth Africa have consistent war games. This would be done through an active MPP with a Sol member to ensure our state of neutrality. Taxes should cover our basic needs and requirements, and no more.

2. South Africa Prospers! New players welcome!

We also have various schemes and incentives that allow all members to benefit from party loans, helping you start out in the business world. We have many individuals, who are willing to help you with your business needs and ideas, whether it’s to bounce new ideas about business ventures, or just to help you in filling the gaps about how everything in eRepublic works. Here at the SAGP, we can give you the edge in the competitive consumer market. The Gold Party supports the effort of helping people learn in making their own money, as you can clearly see from our Party Education boards on our forum. We provide and create an atmosphere that promotes economic expansion. All our Policies are linked – Help people to grow and prosper, in turn, they help the economy to grow and prosper. Capitalism provides opportunities; we can help in teaching you to grasp them.

One of our main ideas about individual’s growth can be expressed by this Chinese proverb,

”Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

One of the “selling points” of other parties is to “give you free food, gifts, etc” We will instead teach you to be able to afford your own food, weapons, gifts etc, allowing you the feeling of pride of having reached the position you are in, through your knowledge, dedication and hard work.

3. Inter Party Relations

We have in the past, and are willing in the future, to work with other Parties in eSouth Africa, to make sure that ultimately the job gets done, and done properly. There is no reason that projects should be limited to parties, if having more human resources available would help in improving the quality of the project. We believe that anything that supports our mutual goal, of making eSouth Africa a better and stronger nation, is worth working together for.

4. Foreign Affairs

Since trade is so important to this philosophy, it only makes sense that we would support Foreign Affairs policies that opens up our nation to as much trade as possible. This is one of the main reasons we are in favour of supporting the Sol Alliance. Being a neutral alliance means we lose as few trading partners and opportunities as possible. If we were to get into the other “super alliances” and conflicts, not only do we lose half the world as far as trade is concerned, we will also run the risk of making long term enemies. This would have a negative effect on our economy, and violate our core principal, of ensuring a capitalistic environment.

Join today and not only build solid foundations for yourself, but also for your country! Join Gold Party

This is the link to our Party’s Forum: Gold Party Forums

If you have any questions or queries with regards to anything, please post a comment or send a message to our Party President Robert Reid, or our Media Director Karl Bauer.

Thank you and hope to see you as a member soon!!

South African Gold Party Newsletter Contributor
SA Gold Party Forums