[South Africa] Brazil may return Limpopo

Day 579, 11:52 Published in USA South Africa by Ines Schumacher

People of eSouth Africa!

I finally have some news for you. And depending on the type of person you are, it’s either good or bad news.

The Brazilian congress is currently voting on the following proposal on their forum: return Limpopo to South Africa before the congressionals. As you all know, the deadline for enterting to run in congressionals is Tuesday, so the region would be returned on that day.

A lot of diplomatic work has gone into these negotiations with no small part being the eSA citizens themselves. You have all handled yourselves in an exemplary manner, showing patience, commitment and understanding. My special thank you goes to SAIL, whose members have been honest with me whenever I asked for advice and guidance.

The proposed contract (adapted from the India-Indonesia contract) is posted on the national forums here, please give me feedback:

Issues I will address right away: http://z3.invisionfree.com/eSouth_Africa/index.php?showtopic=642

1. Paying for a region that is rightfully ours
I agree that this is not ideal. However, despite what you think, PTOs are legitimate parts of game mechanics and Brazil deserves props for their carefully organised PTO. Why should they have to pay for that?

2. MPP with Brazil
So what would Brazil get out of this arrangement if not an MPP at least? An MPP doesn't force you to fight. And it also allows us to get some war games in to strengthen our military.

If you still have concerns or queries, please post them on the forum, not here!

So what happens if we get eSA back on Tuesday?
SAIL has also discussed this. With only 1 region back, limited positions for congress and negotiations still on for the rest of our regions we thought direct democracy is the best way forward. But first of all, here is the situation we will be faced with:

When we get Limpopo back, we will have wizzy_don as president and a hostile congress. Wizzy has agreed to not be in the region once it is returned, meaning Bazti will be our new president. He has agreed that he will not be acting in the capacity as president until the next elections on 5 July since he was not democratically elected.

The hostile congress is Brazilian so we expect them to not propose any hostile proposals until we have elected our new congress on Thursday.

We will have NO political parties once we return. Blank slate so to say. We ask for people to donate as much gold as they can spare to help in the creation of two new political parties, named South Africa A and South Africa B. They will run 5 candidates each to make up 10 possible candidates to get into congress. These people will be: 3 FA, 3 BLF, 2 SAP, 2 UL for the first month.

Then our former Finance Guru Hiresh will hopefully help me create an economic recovery plan which we will push through congress, as well as get the MPP set up. From then on, all eSA citizens will be able to go into the forum and propose and vote on proposals set before congress. The congress members will then vote accordingly.

More details to follow on this since we have to wait if Brazil accepts the proposal.

To all eBrazilians: we have shown ourselves to be honourable people with a desire to get our regions back. Props to you for the PTO, but is it your desire to wipe us firmly off the map? We ask for 1 resourceful region to be able to rebuild our country and continue negotiations with you. Please vote YES for the return of Limpopo and enable us to play the game again, which is what it is at the end of the day...

~eSA resistance leader