[Social][Eng] What is FAS?

Day 1,281, 11:27 Published in Spain Serbia by Dead Man Shadow

So, what is FAS? FAS is soldiers of fortune, knights without fear and without reproach.

And main theme of FAS is the freedom. Freedom to do what you want. Freedom to communicate with any people you want. Freedom to fight where you want, freedom to think independently.Freedom to make friends with those people, what YOU want, and not with those who was ordered by government. FAS offers you that freedom. We wiped out borders between countries, giving everyone, who joins us, chance to change eWorld to the better side.

Main problem of many squads is selection based on ethnicity. As well as we are international squad, we won’t reject any application for membership depending on your nationality.
You even can have citizenship of country, which is enemy of country of our other members.
But everyone knows that if you want to join us, you will leave your hate behind you and be the part of our great family, so your citizenship is not important. Don’t miss the chance to make eWorld better - join FAS and we
will support you everytime you ask for our help.

Of course, there could be some problems - you have to be prepared to that fact that you will be called traitor or betrayer. Don’t care about it - many of us walked through this and didn’t change - so you won’t change too.
We don’t care what people think about us - just what we think about ourselves.

We are all traitors, but, damn it, this is the best choice in the world of lie. At least we are honest and don’t hide away our betrayal behaviour. Everyone of us agreed to betray all except FAS when it will be needed. We proud of our members, no matter what they have done before. Join us, spread the love of FAS everywhere in eWorld!

FAS statute

Our Chat

FAS hymn(in Russian with English subs)