
Day 871, 17:07 Published in China China by Rampage.ZC
沉寂了许久的smilecnce报又与大家见面了 🙂

今天带来的是关于罗马尼亚模式的思考, 首先要感谢罗马尼亚大使为我们带来的这么一份策划, 虽然本人认为这个计划并不适合现在的eChina.


First and foremost, this is a GAME. To be attractive, a game should not be something that you just work, train, receive weapons and fight. All players should have their own way to enjoy the game. Managing a company, exploring the currency market or even stock market.. so on and so forth. Liberating Liaoning and Heilongjiang IS important, but making the game more interesting and more attractive is much more important, especially talking about next baby boom. The biggest advantage of eChina is the population, the population in RL. Poland's success is a good example.

首先这是一个游戏. 游戏的趣味性非常重要. 按照罗马尼亚模式, 每天仅仅就是训练工作收枪打仗而已. 每个玩家应该有他们自己的玩法. 开公司,炒汇等等. 解放东三省的确很重要, 但更重要的是让游戏更加有趣也更加吸引人, 尤其是当我们介绍别人来玩的时候. eC最大的优势在于中国有很多网民, 发展更多人来玩的意义不言而喻, 波兰的强大就是一个很好的例子

The main concern of eRomanian model is to have largest number of FMs in shortest time. I do agree that this system may be the best way to have stronger military power. However, if the population remains the same, do you think eChina will have stronger military power than those of eSerbia and eHungary? When their FMs are doing extra trainings(lana), our colonels and captains are struggling hard to become a FM? I really doubt. Given this situation, I believe that having a stronger and healthier economic power is much more practical, especially when next baby boom comes. Having a balanced industry structure is more meaningful to eChina right now. eChina should aim for long term sustainable development, instead of short term military power only. Rome was not built in a day, so was a strong eChina.

罗马尼亚模式主要着重点在于在最短的时间内培养出尽可能多的元帅. 我承认这个模式在短时间发展武装力量方面的确很出色, 然而如果人口不变的话, eC又有多大希望超越匈牙利和塞尔比亚呢? 当他们的FM赚钱找lana潇洒的时候, 咱们的colonel和captain还在努力的赚钱打手枪… 这个差距通过罗马尼亚模式很难消除. 这种情况下, 我相信发展更强大更健康的经济更加实际, 尤其是在迎接新人潮方面. 更加合理科学的产业结构对现在的eC来说更加有意义. eC应当着眼于长期的可持续性发展, 而不是穷兵黩武. 罗马不是一天建成的, 强大的eC同理.

It is not a good time to apply this strategy. I don't know when eRomania started to do so, but I guess it was during the time when weapons are the most valuable products in the market based on productivity cost. Time is different right know, when weapons are so cheap, why should we waste our productivity on them? Investing my money to generate future cash flow, working in the most profitable types of company so I can get higher salary income, I do think I can afford more weapons than what I can produce. It does happen. By fund raising, a group of ppl can select one manager to invest money on either most profitable company in best place or earn from currency market. Share bonus will be paid so they will afford more than what they can produce.

现在并不是合适的时机去实行这个计划. 我不清楚罗马尼亚是从什么时候开始实行的. 但是我猜测应当是在武器价格昂贵的时候. 现在的市场已经截然不同了. 武器价格相当便宜, 我们没有理由把生产力浪费在武器制造上. 把我剩余的资产用于投资, 并选择在高工资的公司工作(现在制造业大多为礼物和中高星面包), 只有这样我才有能力购买超过我所能生产的数量的武器. 这其实是可能的. 通过集资的手段, 通过一个出色的管理者来操纵资金进行投资, 无论是炒汇或者是开公司. 参与集资的玩家通过分红和他们本身的工资将有能力购买更多的武器.

Last but not least, we should not neglect the important difference between eRomania and eChina--- Citizens' level of skills. Data from ereptools shows that average manu skill level of eChinese is 1.88, however the number for eRomanian is 2.99. Taking dead citizens into account, probably the number for active eChinese will be 3.xx, for active eRomanian is 6.xx. It requires 5.5 manu skill level(at 100w) to produce 5q1 weapons, not to say selling extra weapons to gain back the raw material cost. The thing is, the regular way to consume whatever we can produce is not sufficient for everybody to fight with 5 weapons. We need EXTRA income!!

最后, 我们不应该忽视eC和e罗马尼亚的一个重要差别, 那就是玩家的平均技能等级. Ereptools显示, eC玩家平均制造等级为1.88, 而罗马尼亚为2.99. 考虑到死人的因素. eC和e罗马尼亚活跃玩家的平均制造等级应该分别为3.XX和6.XX. 制造出5个Q1武器需要5.5制造技能的玩家在100体力工作. 更不用说我们还需要制造出更多的枪换取利润来购买原材料了. 事实是, 常规方法下即使我们能够消费到我们所产出的所有武器, 也达不到每个玩家每天打5次手枪的程度. 我们需要额外的投资性收入来达到这个目标…


其实本人曾经也发过类似于罗马尼亚军工厂模式的co-op计划, 可惜最终由于种种原因流产了. 当初的构想和罗马尼亚模式非常相近, 也是通过集资的方式购买工厂(假设10个同生产技能玩家集资购买符合他们生产技能的工 厂), 这样每一个参与进COOP计划的玩家将会赚取他们由他们各自生产力提供的所有利润. 这个工厂可以不仅仅局限于武器厂, 任何种类任何星级都可以. 这一点已然比军工厂模式要具有更高的灵活性了.

这个计划看似不错, 似乎避免了资本家的剥削, 然而实际上并非如此. 如果他们集资的钱开办的工厂去招聘其他玩家参与生产, 而他们自己则加入其他公司打工, 并且他们获得的工资/生产力高于他们集资厂开出的工资/生产力的话, 这些人可以获得更大的利益.

那么, 比COOP收益更大也更具灵活度的方案也有了. 集资性投资. 无论是党产集资建厂分红, 或者融资炒汇都是可行的. 当然考虑到风险和投资回报比, 选择合适的实体经济投资最为保险, 在利润最高点赚够之后壳子卖掉重新寻找高利润行业再投资.

当然, 个人建议集资建厂可以不仅仅局限于党内. 这样有从一个侧面防止了党与党之间的不公平竞争问题. 然而这又是后话了. 这里略过不表.

最后还需要说明的是, 穷兵黩武固然不可取, 同样道理, 把所有收入用来再投资也是不科学的, 目前最经济的升军衔方法还是每天5枪, 如果总收入过低, 每天使用的枪数可以酌情减少, 但是不打手枪还是不行的哟...

eChina报业联盟 欢迎订阅

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