[SGT #16] Irish Peace and a Scandinavian Report

Day 1,665, 06:44 Published in United Kingdom France by Raelik

The peace deal between UK and Ireland has been passed on our side and still is waiting for the acceptance from the Irish.
At the time of writing, with only a few hours to go, it stands in favor of peace. But with a majority of Irish Congress still yet to vote.

This does, if peace is accepted, provide a difficult situation as regards Dublin being under Irish control.
Maybe the peace deal would have to be dropped in favor of an invasion of Dublin, then we could send a peace proposal to Ireland?

Given some of the recent proposals in Ireland, not all share the same views (as it is in most, if not all nations).

So be vigilant!

After Finlands dominance over Scandinavia in January of this year, the Russians invaded Southern Sweden and began thir own tug of war over the regions with Sweden.
Russia was ejected by Sweden eventually and left Finland to occupy Norway until the end of February, once the Norwegian RW's began to take hold of the occupation.

Early March the Norway Forces managed to regain their lands from the Fins but only to lose it all again, within two weeks, this time to the Russians.
Since the Norwegian Resistance Uprising back in April, the regions have pretty much remained unchanged.

That said, I believe Norway has been bullied by both Finland and Russia. So far that they have blatant bitterness for their lack of homelands but are in alliance with their occupiers.

Maybe some intervention at some point wouldn't go a miss?
Surely we would be glad for another ally in this hostile world.

The Danes have had it bad in their Neutrality allignment, being slapped back and forth by any nation which wished to. They currently have no regions and no allies to help them. Aren't these the kind of people we need to win over and gain another ally to help us as we would help them?

It might just be a personal point of view...

Maybe it is also something which could help tip balances in our favor?
Like I said about Norway, we'd be glad for another ally right?

I realise we would have to defend them, but they would have more purpose in the game if we were to liberate them for good!